Investments Finance and Financial Markets

Investments Finance and Financial Markets Assignment Question
In order to assess and manage credit risk and to minimize the risk of default on an individual advance (credit), banks can, as a first step, consider what loaned funds are intended to be used for (or what they are being used for) and other financial circumstances of the borrower.

Investments Finance and Financial Markets
Investments Finance and Financial Markets

Investments Finance and Financial Markets and Personal Information of the Potential Borrower Applicant

Credit scoring is playing an increasingly prominent role in selecting good risks in consumer lending. A potential borrower (applicant) is asked a standard set of questions relating to factors such as age, assets held, financial commitments, and so on; and, based on the answers, a score is calculated reflecting the credit risk of the applicant.
Consider the foregoing statement. Explain the method of credit scoring. Discuss various ways in which credit scoring could be employed by commercial and retail banks in order to reduce the incidence of loan defaults.

Investments Finance and Financial Markets and Credit Risk Management

Critically evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of this method as a credit risk management technique. In order to assess and manage credit risk and to minimize the risk of default on an individual advance (credit), banks can, as a first step, consider what loaned funds are intended to be used for (or what they are being used for) and other financial circumstances of the borrower. A potential borrower (applicant) is asked a standard set of questions relating to factors such as age, assets held, financial commitments, and so on; and, based on the answers, a score is calculated reflecting the credit risk of the applicant.

Investments Finance and Financial Markets and the Methods of Credit Scoring

Consider the foregoing statement. Explain the method of credit scoring. Discuss various ways in which credit scoring could be employed by commercial and retail banks in order to reduce the incidence of loan defaults. Critically evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of this method as a credit risk management technique.

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