ISPE Independence PE Synchronized Ice Skating – Synchronized Ice Skating
Level USFS

Practice Time: Monday’s and Fridays from 5 am to 7 am ( Synchronize Skating)
30 minutes of off-ice Practice Monday’s and Friday
Tuesday and Wednesday from 5 am to 6:45 am ( Ice skating Practice solo)
ISPE Independence PE Synchronized Ice Skating
Saturday from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm (ice skating Practice solo)
Saturday from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm ( ice skating Practice solo)
• MLA Format
• Five Paragraphs
• Typed, Double-Spaced in Times New Roman Font
• Please follow the format listed below
ISPE Five Paragraph Essay Format
ISPE Independence PE Synchronized Ice Skating
Paragraph One- Introduction (5-7 sentences) – Introduce your semester fitness program ( which is ice skating) in some creative way. Explain the three concepts which you will discuss in the body paragraphs. Write a transitional sentence at the end of this introductory paragraph to lead into the first body paragraph.
Paragraph Two- First Body Paragraph (5-7 sentences) – Explain 2-3 goals that you set for your fitness program. Provide a detailed description of each goal. Write a transitional sentence at the end of this paragraph to lead into the second body paragraph.
Paragraph Three- Second Body Paragraph (5-7 sentences) – Describe the specific activities in your fitness program. Include a detailed description of the exercises, the number of repetitions, the amount of time spent on the exercise, and the emphasis of each exercise on your physical development. Write a transitional sentence at the end of this paragraph to lead into the second body paragraph.
ISPE Independence PE Synchronized Ice Skating
Paragraph Four- Third Body Paragraph (5-7 sentences) – Explain 2-3 benefits of your fitness program. Explain the outcome of your fitness program on achieving your fitness goals. Discuss the challenges of your fitness program. Write a transitional sentence at the end of this program to lead to the conclusion paragraph.
Paragraph Five- Conclusion Paragraph (5-7 sentences) – Summarize your essay by answering this question: How has this ISPE program influenced my perspective on physical fitness? Discuss 2-3 influences, and provide supportive details to clarify your answers.