Justice Is Impartial Crime and the Media

Justice Is Impartial Crime and the Media Find a news article pertinent to our class materials or discussion JUSTICE IS IMPARTIAL-CRIME AND THE MEDIA. Attach or embed a link to the article to your 1-2 page reaction paper. Papers without an actual article attached or linked will not be graded.

Justice Is Impartial Crime and the Media
Justice Is Impartial Crime and the Media

Briefly summarize the article and discuss how it relates to a concept or theory presented in class. You must offer a critical analysis of how the criminological concept or theory can be applied to the “real world” situation.

In your critique, you may find support for the theory, or the real world example may refute the theory. Either way, you must provide your informed opinion of and reaction to the article.

You must also broaden the context to other similar situations. In other words, what should we do with this information? What are the implications for crime control?

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