Konnikova book on Sherlock Holmes

Konnikova book on Sherlock Holmes Assignment Here are the instructions for the Konnikova (2013) “Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes” book.

Konnikova book on Sherlock Holmes
Konnikova book on Sherlock Holmes

Read the Konnikova book on Sherlock Holmes.
You are required to present a brief synopsis of each chapter and explain clearly how it is relevant to our course and how understanding the book, chapter-by-chapter including the Postlude, will help you become a better investigator. CLEARLY LABEL EACH CHAPTER WITH THE CHAPTER NUMBER AND TITLE OF THE KONNIKOVA CHAPTER. Do not combine chapters into one entry. Each chapter and the postlude must show up separately within the Word-format document.
It is an excellent book and highlights an important failing of forensic education: Students must not only be taught techniques but should also receive
education about how to think well using those techniques. The Konnikova text, in its way, does that.
Submit your chapter-by-chapter writeup in one Word-formatted document by uploading it to Canvas, here.

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