Latin American Literature and Narratives

Latin American Literature and Narratives Gabriel García Márquez: Collected Stories Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon (148)Montiel’s Widow (158)Big Mama’s Funeral (197)A

Latin American Literature and Narratives
Latin American Literature and Narratives

Very Old Man with Enormous Wings(217)The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World (247)Death Constant Beyond Love(255)The

Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erèndira and Her Heartless Grandmother(283)


Latin American Narratives

Instruction: Write a response paper to the prompt below. Page limit: 2 pages. Submit your paper as a file attachment to this dropbox.


Scott Simpkins explains that Magic realism as a technique “emphasizes the reality of Latin American culture as it is experienced by the writer and his people” and that it is impossible to draw the line between reality and fiction.

Within the context Simpkins’s definition, select ONE of the stories from García Márquez’ Collected Stories and examine closely a specific moment in the story that is representative of the author’s use of magic realism.


Choose a short passage

Contextualize the moment

Do a close reading / analysis of the excerpt you select

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