Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo

Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo Order Instructions:

Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo
Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo

must be at least 2 pages, which doesn’t include title & reference pages, using APA formatting. Each paragraph should contain at least 4 sentences and should not end with citied material ex. (Franklin, 2015.)

I am including the actual assignment from the course as well as the headings required, the chosen company is Wells Fargo. Please use the following to access South University’s as all information must be supported by the weekly lecture & text reading (located under the syllabus tab) as well as the school library. Lecture readings from weeks 4. INTERNET SOURCES ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Feel free to contact me at 334-201-0479

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Please remember ALL references must come from these areas.


Leadership, Communications, and Teams

Research your chosen company. Find a minimum of one library source, which will support your thesis in this assignment. Review your assigned weekly lecture and text reading. Select from this reading 3-5 key concepts, which will also support your thesis. In a two to three page paper, address the questions below. Your paper should follow APA format including a title and reference page. The two to three-page paper length requirement does NOT include the title page and reference page. Refer to your classroom area titled South University Policies and Guideline: Using APA Standards in Your Coursework to ensure you are following the correct format.

Describe both the formal and informal communication methods within the organization. Address whether or not the organization uses effective communication techniques. Evaluate the role culture plays in both the formal and informal methods of communication. Make recommendations for improvement for both informal and formal communications. Describe how the organization uses teams. Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of teams based on the model of team effectiveness described by Daft.

Week Four Assignment

Assignment Headings

Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo Introduction

You should write your introduction here. Describe what your paper is going to be about. Make sure you use third person referencing throughout your entire paper.
Formal and Informal Communication
Both the lectures and the reading materials discuss formal and informal communications. In this section, you should use that material to discuss these types of communication in the organization. Minimally you should be writing one full paragraph with 4-5 sentences. You may need two paragraphs to fully address this. You should include one piece of information from the text or lectures to support your work. You must use in-text citations to demonstrate you have used this material.

Effectiveness of Communication Techniques

This section will require you to evaluate whether or not the communication techniques in the organization are effective. Refer to the Managing Communications chapter in the text for help in this section of your paper. Minimally you should be writing one full paragraph with 4-5 sentences. You may need two paragraphs to fully address this. You should include one piece of information from the text or lectures to support your work. You must use in-text citations to demonstrate you have used this material.

The Role of Culture in Formal and Informal Communications

In this section of the paper, you should refer to the lecture materials related to how culture affects communication. Minimally you should be writing one full paragraph with 4-5 sentences. You may need two paragraphs to fully address this. You should include one piece of information from the text or lectures to support your work. You must use in-text citations to demonstrate you have used this material.

Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo Recommendations for Improvement

In this section, I am looking for clear recommendations for improvement. Refer back to what the text and lectures have stated about this. Please do not state you have no recommendations. All organizations need to improve. Attempt to identify these and use course materials to support why you think these are areas for improvement. Minimally you should be writing one full paragraph with 4-5 sentences. You may need two paragraphs to fully address this. You should include one piece of information from the text or lectures to support your work. You must use in-text citations to demonstrate you have used this material.

Use of Teams within the Organization

There are several materials that will help you with this section of your paper. The Leading Teams chapter in the textbook should help you as well as the lecture materials on this. Minimally you should be writing one full paragraph with 4-5 sentences. You may need two paragraphs to fully address this. You should include one piece of information from the text or lectures to support your work. You must use in-text citations to demonstrate you have used this material.

Effectiveness of the Use of Teams

In this section, you will interpret the effectiveness of the use of the team. There are specific lecture materials on this that could be used to support your evaluation of this. Minimally you should be writing one full paragraph with 4-5 sentences. You may need two paragraphs to fully address this. You should include one piece of information from the text or lectures to support your work. You must use in-text citations to demonstrate you have used this material.

Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo Conclusion

Write a one paragraph conclusion summarizing your paper.


Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo Sample Answer

Leadership, communications, and teams at Wells Fargo


Communication allows information to be exchanged between 2 or more persons and that information to be understood (Lasater, 2010). This paper discusses how informal and formal communication techniques are used at Wells Fargo bank and their effectiveness. The role of culture in both informal and formal communications is also discussed and recommendations for improvement are made. Furthermore, this paper provides a comprehensive discussion of the use of teams at Wells Fargo bank in addition to how effective they are.

Formal and informal communication

At Wells Fargo bank, formal and informal communication channels are used in conveying different types of messages. The formal communication techniques used include face-to-face meetings and discussions, and writing letters and memos. The main techniques of informal communication used at Wells Fargo include instant messaging, e-mailing, the use of telephone, chatting online and texting, and using social media. They also talk in an informal manner while walking around. These techniques are usually utilized for certain purposes only but not for business communications which call for formal communications (Daft, 2015).

Effectiveness of communication techniques

The communication channels and techniques have been effective to a certain extent, but not very effective and there is room for improvement. At Wells Fargo bank, communication techniques have been effective since the managers and supervisors usually keep communication lines open at all. However, the downside is that the managers at Wells Fargo do not often seek feedback from clients or workers, as they are afraid of hearing bad news from them. The managers also do not ask workers about their problems or concerns.

Role of culture in formal and informal communications

In informal and formal communications, culture plays a vital role since it may present a barrier to effective communication. Employees should have awareness of the importance and sensitivity of effective cross-cultural communication in the place of work as this would help overcome cultural communication barriers (Lasater, 2010). During cross-cultural communication, it is important to avoid stereotyping. When communicating to an employee of a different culture, the manager has to tailor his/her communication approach to cultural differences – for instance by using reflective listening – and make sure that communication is received and understood in a clear manner.

Recommendations for improvement

In order to improve communication effectiveness at Wells Fargo, it is recommended that the managers in this financial firm tailor their messages to suppliers, clients, and staff members. They should also seek feedback from clients and/or staff members without fearing to hear bad news from them. In general, it is important for managers to obtain feedback as this would enable them to be able to respond to opportunities or problems in an adequate manner, and their decisions and plans may align with the interests and perceptions of staff members (Daft, 2015). Managers should also communicate with candor, ask workers questions about their concerns and problems, and listen to them well. With effective communications, employees at Wells Fargo would know what is actually going on in their company.

Use of teams within the organization

A team basically refers to a unit that consists of at least 2 persons who interact and coordinate their work in order to achieve a common objective to which they are all devoted and hold themselves mutually answerable (Daft, 2015). At Wells Fargo, various teams have been put together for different purposes. These teams comprise people who have the appropriate set of skills, specialties, and personalities. The goals of the teams are described and the responsibilities and roles of every team member are defined clearly. Proper channels of communication are established in the teams and information is shared effectively.

Effectiveness of the use of teams

The teams at Wells Fargo bank have been successful to a certain degree as they have contributed a lot to the company. The contributions of teams at this firm have resulted in stronger competitive advantage in addition to a somewhat high overall performance of the organization. Since the team members have different perspectives, experiences, strengths, and skills, they actually contribute to high levels of innovation and creativity at Wells Fargo bank. They also bring about improved quality of services, increased the speed of response, lower costs and higher productivity, in addition to enhanced employee satisfaction and motivation.

Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo Conclusion

In conclusion, at Wells Fargo bank, formal communication techniques used are face-to-face meetings, and writing letters and memos, whereas informal communication channels utilized are instant messaging, e-mailing, telephone conversation, texting, and using social media. These techniques are effectual to a degree, though not very effective and they can be improved. To improve communication effectiveness, the managers need to seek feedback and communicate with candor. At Wells Fargo, teams have been created for different purposes.

Leadership and Communications Teams at Wells Fargo References

Daft, R. L. (2015). Management (10th ed). Columbus, OH: South-Western College.

Lasater, I. (2010). Words that work in the business: A practical guide to effective communication in the workplace. US: Keep Coming Back/Puddle Dancer Press.

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