Legal Memo the Common Law Assignment

Legal Memo the Common Law Assignment “When you cite a source, you must ensure that the reader could find the source and go directly to the page you are referring to. If that would not be possible, you are not properly sourcing.

Legal Memo the Common Law Assignment
Legal Memo the Common Law Assignment

Do not cut and paste quotes from the internet, unless you fully source it, including the website where you found the material. Many students have been found to have plagiarized for lifting internet material. Also, much of this internet material is of questionable use or authority. Hint: Wikipedia is not considered a reliable source. Also simply referring to the textbook itself is not usually sufficient ñ what is the legislative or legal case which the textbook relies upon?” this essay will be submitted to Turnitin.

Legal Memo the Common Law Assignment Assignment

Dina is a qualified social worker has been working for 3 years as a ìyouth counsellorî at an organization that offers counseling and support to at-risk youth. Youth counselors are to connect with the youth and provide not only guidance and mental health support but to act as role models. Recently the organization has ìpivotedî and decided to offer its services only to visible minority youth and to LGBTQ at-risk youth and as a result, a number of positions at the organization were removed, changed and created. In this process, Dina had been quizzed on her counseling ëphilosophyí and asked questions about her own sexuality. clients. Some new counselors have been hired, while some of the current counselors have been terminated and others will continue to act as counselors. Dina has been reassigned to an administrative role where she will not have much ëface-timeí with the youth. Her working hours and pay will remain roughly the same. She is told that sheís one of the lucky ones. Dina is not happy as she really values the work she does with the youth. She asks her boss why she has been reassigned and she is told: ìTo be honest, you didnít have the right look. And youíre straight.î Dina calls you to ask what her legal options are.

Legal Memo the Common Law Assignment

Your assignment is to provide a well-written legal memo that analyzes the above employment law issues and provides an informed opinion as to her rights, remedies, and options with reference to the Common Law, the ESA, and the HRC.

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