Legal System and Environment of Colombia

Legal System and Environment of Colombia Write about Colombia’s:
-Legal environment
– Legal system
– Legal issues in international business
– Legal risk

Legal System and Environment of Colombia
Legal System and Environment of Colombia

Briefly mention political and then talk Colombia’s civil law, use sources, and then talk about implications
Bribery and corruption are high and remain unchanged. Less terrorism threats after peace agreement with FARC.
Explore contract law, property rights, and intellectual property protection, enforcement of product liability, and product safety (how well the country handles all these)
NO plagiarism In the Uploaded paper I’d like more citations.
I’ve uploaded my paper already if you could just rewrite it/base it on that but add more citations.
Must be in APA format please copy and paste any links used.
Also there needs to be citations after every fact stated. The more citations the better.

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