Main Characteristics of a Specifically Existential Ethics Answer all the question, two pages per question, Justify your answers, give textual evidence, and concentrate on principles.

1) Explain Nietzsche’s distinction between the master/slave morality. Explain the significance of the “death of God”? What does Nietzsche mean by
the “transformation of all values”;? To who is he speaking?
2) What is the meaning of Daly’s term “gyn/ecology”;? What is its moral significance? What meaning does Daly give to the terms
“metaethics”; and “metapatriarchal”;? How do they relate to Daly’s critique of ethics and metaethics?
3) What are the main characteristics of a specifically existential ethic? for Simone de Beauvoir what tensions are involved in asking the question “what
is a woman”; Are both men and women morally accountable for women’s existence as the Other? Why must one will ones’ own freedom and why is this an
ethical act?