Main Types of Computer Software Examples

Main Types of Computer Software Examples Identify the three main types of computer software that were discussed in your unit lesson.

Main Types of Computer Software Examples
Main Types of Computer Software Examples

Within the three main categories, give examples of each and a brief explanation of each. Each explanation/description category must be answered with at least 100 words. You must cite your sources within your answers.

Application Software
Word processors, spreadsheet programs, database management systems, compression software, accounting packages and photo editors

System Software
Microsoft; Word, Excel, Access, and development.

Development Tools
HTML and C+ + These tools are used for developing software, apps, websites and Microsoft
Write a 150-word essay on the importance of operating systems (OSs). Locate at least one article in the CSU Online Library and one article from an Internet search. You may also use the required readings to support your essay. You must cite your sources within your essay.
Identify three mobile OSs and three personal computer OSs. Explain advantages and disadvantages of each one. Describe each OS. The total wording for each OS description/advantages/disadvantages should be no less than 100 words. You must cite your sources.

Microsoft Windows This operation has tutorials and lessons for you online to know how to use it with fast graphic cards.
OS X Powers Macs which is used for desktops and laptops from Apple.  It’s user friendly, reliable, and safer.
Chrome Os Developed by Google this system is more of a remote operation.  Supports more than one user on the Chrome book
Linux An open- source operating system
UNIX This operation has limitation features for its users and is very secure.
Windows Server This operation runs on certain mobile devices and computers

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