Master Slave Dialectic Hegel and Fanon

Master Slave Dialectic Hegel and Fanon Compare two thinkers, Hegel and Fanon in an essay.

Master Slave Dialectic Hegel and Fanon
Master Slave Dialectic Hegel and Fanon

Hegel wrote that “Self-consciousness exists in and for itself when, and by the fact that, it so exists for another; that is, it exists only in being acknowledged” (111). Explain this with reference to the master-slave dialectic in Hegel. How does Fanon use and complicate these ideas? The inversion of the master/slave power dynamic, and the idea of a complicity between Maureen and Bam foreground what Georg Hegel describes as the conditions of the “master/slave dialectic” and the “dialectic” generally. In Phenomenology of Spirit (1807), Hegel codifies the complicated mechanisms whereby disparate, seemingly antithetical or contradictory ideas can be arranged into dialogue or conversation with each other by means of their “dialectic” juxtaposition (Selden 95). The Hegelian dialectic suggests a coherence between concrete and abstract, subject and object, part and whole-and, for our purposes, master and slave.

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