Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper

Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper Order Instructions: It has been reported to me, as the Assessment Officer for your programme, that you are suspected of having breached the University’s Academic Integrity Policy in the preparation of assessment(s) for the above class.

Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper
Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper

KMGT-631,141016,2,HR Resourcing.201520-10 (20210) Weeks 6 and 7 DQ Follow-on (DQF) – 54% matching text; improper acknowledgment.

The University’s procedures require me to investigate this matter and to make a report and recommendaton to the Board of Examiners on any penalty to be imposed. The procedures also state that you should have an opportunity to provide an explanation for the alleged incident, and I am inviting you to do so now.

You must provide me with any written explanation of the circumstances which have given rise to this allegation.

In writing your response, it would be helpful to bear in mind the following:

The Turnitin report is always analyzed by at least one member of the academic staff before an investigation for academic misconduct begins.

The precise value of the Turnitin similarity index is of no particular importance. The nature of the alleged offense is as important as the extent of it.

The sources identified by Turnitin are not necessarily the sources you used simply because the same material may appear in many different sources. What is important is not whether you used those particular sources, but rather whether you have properly cited and referenced the sources you did use.

A very short explanation is just as likely to be effective as a very long explanation. There is no need to explain the matching text from each of the sources listed, whether Turnitin identifies only a few or an excessively long list of sources.

Yours sincerely

Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper Sample Answer

Methods of collecting data

The company utilized various methods of collecting data. They may have used either primary or secondary methods of collecting data. Some of the primary data include observation, questionnaires, interviews, hearing, and sampling. In addition, some of the secondary data used to collect data is skimming and scamming through journals, books, newspapers, and internet.

To come up with quality information, the research data must be analyzed. Coded and processed into quality and quantitative information. The processed data found out some issues;


From the above-collected data, it was analyzed that students have little time or inadequacy of time when they are doing their assessments. This makes them violate the law of the school policy. This becomes an intellectual property theft where the student will have to be punished. This little time makes the student copy paste the assessments order that they are assigned to them

Also, the students fail to comprehend or understand the questions they are asked and they always find an alternative of what they can do to complete the assessment assigned to them at the given specific time. The student will have to search the exact question from the internet and the information he or she receives will have to copy paste for the sake of satisfying the lecture or the teacher.

A student may be very ignorant to an extent that they fail to do the work or the assessment that they are given to them. They opt to do their assignment at the end last minutes remaining and from this point of view, they tend to copy paste the work done by other authors without citing them in their work. This leads to plagiarism and also violating the school policy.

Many students if not all are at times overloaded with the workforce. It becomes very coincidental that they are overloaded with the workforce and at the same time they have to complete the assessment assigned to them in time. This makes them go ahead and copy paste the work of another author without their permission and without paraphrasing and lastly without sighting the author. This makes the information copied to be personal but in a real sense, it’s not own assessments work done.

Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper Conclusion

It can be concluded that many students do copy paste the assessment given to them by their lectures. The reason behind this is that due to the above findings that were being analyzed from the other fellow class student.

Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper Recommendation

It can be recommended that students should take ample time when doing their assessment. This will reduce the rate of copy-pasting other peoples work without their permission or been able to cite the author of the original information or research. Also, lecturers or teachers should be able to explain vividly what they do expect from the student. By doing so, they will give the student to have an open mind and be able to think outside the box. This scenario of explaining to the student also reduces the rate of copy-pasting other people works. In addition, the student may research the information related to their assessments but they should be able to paraphrase and bring the same information and also be able to cite the original author of the information.

Methods of Collecting Data Assessment Paper References

PECORARI, D. (2013). Teaching to avoid plagiarism: how to promote good source use.

THORMANN, J., & ZIMMERMAN, I. K. (2012). The complete step-by-step guide to designing and teaching online courses. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.

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