Mid Term Assignment for Geography

Mid Term Assignment for Geography Pick one of the following areas (or one in your own hometown):
• Colliery Dam Park (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada)

Mid Term Assignment for Geography
Mid Term Assignment for Geography

• Buttertubs Marsh (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada)
• Linley Valley West (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada)
• Piper’s Lagoon, OR (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada)
• Neck Point (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada)
1) Using hard copy flora and fauna guides or your I-pad, identify 5 species of plant and/or trees and shrubs and 5 fauna (birds, insects, mammals, or
intertidal life).
2) Identify what kind of ecosystem type or types you have seen – e.g. wetland, dry bluff, forest, meadow, etc.
3) In the case of a forest, what kind of tree associations are present? – i.e. dominant species and the other kinds of trees they tend to co-exist with.
4) Briefly research if the form of the ecosystem(s) has been influenced by human activities in the past.
5) Identify any hypothesized current human impacts.

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