New System Proposal: Investment in the VMware Software You have been asked by senior management to cut costs related to the IT infrastructure of your company. Your team does all of the cost analysis and finds that VMware can save the company a considerable amount of money moving forward following the initial investment in the VMware software. Add to your presentation proposal by creating 3 to 4 slides covering:
Virtual Network benefits
Storage: differentiate between shared storage types and how to apply each type to VMware.
New System Proposal: Investment in the VMware Software You have been asked by senior management to cut costs related to the IT infrastructure of your company. Your team does all of the cost analysis and finds that VMware can save the company a considerable amount of money moving forward following the initial investment in the VMware software.
How Storage vMotion can be used to create greater up-time. Add to your presentation proposal by creating 3 to 4 slides covering:
Virtual Network benefits
Storage: differentiate between shared storage types and how to apply each type to VMware.
Investment in the VMware Software
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