Newmont Mining Case Analysis Assignment

Newmont Mining Case Analysis
Newmont Mining Case Analysis

Newmont Mining Case Analysis

Newmont Prompt

Larry Kurlander, is drafting a letter to the CEO Wayne Murdy to explain the issues that the company faces due to the events of the Choropampa incident and offer solutions.


  1. Assume, that you are Larry and you are analyzing this case on December 31, 2002. The results of the audit are available to you. Every fact in the case is available to you. However, do not concern yourself with material that starts with the battle of Cerro Quilish.
  2. Read the case several times up to the Battle for Cerro Quilish. Base your analysis on material before the battle of Cerro Quilish.
  3. Use the 4 Step Case Analysis Template and come up with solutions and recommendations that Larry can use. Your solutions have to actually solve the problem, be reasonable, timely and doable.
  4. Maintain all headlines as is in the template.
  5. Analyze the problem in the first (singular and plural- I, We, and our) person.
  6. Use the memo format to, from, date, subject) before Part I, Strategic Issues and Problems.
  7. Center a headline on the top part of your page.
  8. Use one inch margins, 1.15 or 1.5 spacing between lines, font 11 or 12.
  9. Please fill out the Case analysis form

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