Sheryl Sandberg’s use of personal anecdotes

Sheryl Sandberg's use of personal anecdotes
Sheryl Sandberg’s use of personal anecdotes

Sheryl Sandberg’s use of personal anecdotes

Does Sheryl Sandberg’s use of personal anecdotes in Lean In make her argument more effective, or less effective?

The following is the writing requirement given by the professor. Please read it carefully.

This assignment is designed to allow you to explore one of the debates around course themes in an extended prose essay of 1,200 words. Your essay should engage with the course readings, and build on class discussion, to offer a persuasive argument for your interpretation of an essay question.

The most important element of your essay is its argument, also known as a thesis statement. This argument you will develop in response to one of the questions stated below. Your argument should not offer a simple yes or no; instead, it should offer an interpretive statement. What does this mean? That your argument should not be something that is obviously true ñ but instead, your interpretation of an argument.

Your argument should be clearly stated in your introduction. In the body of your essay, you will marshal evidence from the course readings to support your interpretation. You will complete your essay with a conclusion.

You may also wish you use the resources you consulted in your annotated bibliography to support your argument, or other relevant secondary sources. However this is not mandatory, and it is more important that your essay presents your own argument rather than a synthesis of other people’s research or ideas.

Any sources that you use in your essay should be cited in text, and also listed in a bibliography, following APA guidelines.

A reminder: although you will present your own interpretation and analysis in this essay, it is not necessary to use phrases such as in my opinion or I think. As explained in class, it is not wrong to use these phrases – but they can diminish the quality of your writing because they make you the subject of the statement (rather than that about which you’re writing). If you use first-person orientation (I statements), use them sparingly.

Please choose a legible font such as Arial or Times New Roman in 12 point size. Please double-space (or 1.5 space) your assignment.

Choose one question from the list below, and develop a specific argument that offers an interpretive thesis about the subject at hand.

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