Night by Elie Wiesel on Dehumanization

Night by Elie Wiesel on Dehumanization Essay on dehumanization from the book night by Elie Wiesel.

Night by Elie Wiesel on Dehumanization
Night by Elie Wiesel on Dehumanization

Throughout Night, dehumanization  consistently took place as the tyrant Nazis oppressed the Jewish citizens.  The Nazis targeted the Jews’ humanity, and slowly dissolved their feeling of being human. This loss of humanity led to a weakened will in the Holocaust victims, and essentially led to death in many.  The Nazis had an abundance of practices to dehumanize the Jews including beatings, starvation, theft of possessions, separation of families, crude murders, forced labor, and much more. There is no greater loss than that of humanity, so one can never truly relate to the horrors of dehumanization the Jews faced. In the list below, I will compile various examples that correlate to this theme of dehumanization.

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