Nursing Assignment Paper Available Now

Nursing Assignment Paper
Nursing Assignment Paper

Nursing Assignment Paper

Nursing Assignment Paper

Order Instructions:

Part 1

What factors should a nurse consider when assessing a patient’s or patient’s family needs for supportive care? Name one major barrier you encountered in your assessment and discuss how it could be resolved.

Part 2

Search the South University Online Library for caregiver role strain. What is the most important factor that causes caregiver role strain? What can be done to prevent it?

at least 1 citation for each part


Part 1: Demographic as well as economic changes have become prevalent in our ever-growing multicultural world. The long-standing disparities especially in the healthcare field have challenged health care providers to take into account cultural diversity as a priority during care delivery. It is therefore of importance of care providers to recognize that care delivery goes beyond cultural beliefs and values. Some other factors that affect supportive care apart from culture include gender, age, religion, language, socio-economic status, geographical location, and occupation status.

One of the barriers encountered I encountered when providing supportive care was managing scarce resources. Mostly, health care institutions have an under-supply of various health professionals (Kabene, 2011, Pg. 129). This shortage has risen as a barrier to effective care coordination that has adversely affected the quality of healthcare delivery. This is because the shortage has placed pressure on the practising healthcare officials who have been forced to take care of large volumes of patients. The increasing number of patients has limited the support and care of health officials to their patients.

I believe this problem can be solved efficiently by employing more nurses and increasing the number of students who enrol as nurses.  Health care institutions can also ask for more intern students who will help relieve the burden on other nurses.

Part 2: For me, an increase in responsibility that results in burnout is one of the leading factors that cause caregiver role strain. For health official to solve this problem, they need to sit down and come up with a list of all their personal needs in order to fulfil them and avoid them from feeling deprived (Wilkinson & Treas, 2011, Pg. 229).  They should also eat a proper diet and get enough rest.


Wilkinson, J. M., & Treas, L. S. (2011). Fundamentals of nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.

Kabene, S. M. (2011). Human resources in healthcare, health informatics and healthcare systems. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference.

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