Nursing Best practice Research Assignment

Nursing Best practice Research Assignment Order Instructions: The writer should pay attention to details and use recent scholarly articles to cite the paper. The writer must also include the DOI for all articles that he uses that are coming from the web and require them. It is critical that the writer gives an in-depth

Nursing Best practice Research Assignment
Nursing Best practice Research Assignment

discussion in response to all the questions raise here and support them with recent publications.

Best Practice

Discuss best practice guidelines to avoid medical lawsuits in your future practice area as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner. Also should Advance Practice Nurse purchase liability insurance, why or why not?

Nursing Best practice Research Assignment Resources

Please retrieve and read the following journal articles

Adkins, N., & Corus, C. (2009). Health literacy for improved health outcomes: Effective capital in the marketplace. Journal Of Consumer Affairs, 43(2), 199–222.

The Difficult Patient: Should You End the Relationship? What Now? An Ethics Case Study

Preventive Care and the Affordable Care Act

Nursing Best practice Research Assignment Sample Answer

Nursing Best practice

Best Practice

Few nurses have not been in a position to give a deposition to give a lawsuit. However, most have wondered on what it could be if they are sued for malpractice. This makes it necessary for the nurses to analyze facts and issues case by case to ensure that the actions they make ethical decisions when confronted by the ethical dilemmas. This is because nurses are held accountable for their judgments and the outcomes. Malpractice refers to the nurse practices that can be classified as misconduct, breach of duty and negligence by a nurse, which results to injury to service users. To avoid lawsuits, evidence-based research indicates that most of the lawsuits are due to the failure of following the set standards of care as required by the universal nursing practice if the healthcare facility. The nurse must never use medical equipment of healthcare procedures that she or he is unfamiliar (Hyman et al., 2010).

The nurse must learn strategies of effective communication. Most of the lawsuits are due to poor communication between a nurse and other medical practitioners. If nurses have some doubts, they should always make inquiries. Research indicates that lack of communication has equal weight as failure to rescue. Additionally, it is very important to document all treatments performed. This is because any practice that is not documented is perceived, as it was not done. Poor documentation could result to patient being administered similar intervention (medication) twice which could result to toxicity putting the patient life at risk. Documentation in nursing not only helps substantiate once innocence at legal point of view but also to promote continuity of care (Rodwin & Silverman, 2015).

As mentioned above, nurses could be sued for any reason and in most cases; the allegations brought forth are usually unfounded. This is terrifying, damages nurse’s self-confidence, and could ruin his or her reputation. For this reason, should nurses be insured for malpractice? The answer is yes, nurses should be insured. This is because the employers’ policy only protects specific needs, and thus will cover the nurse only to some extent. It is common to get opposing reactions by the employers where they discourage nursed from getting their individual policy. This is because the organization wants their own attorney, who will ensure that they put the organizations interests first, represent their nurse. It is important for the APN nurse to understand that the malpractice insurance policies have specific limits (Carroll & Buddenbaum, 2013).

The main reason why an APN needs liability insurance is that the nurse malpractice coverage is attached to the nurse actions and practices provided when the nurse is within the scope of employment. This implies that if the action is committed when one is at the job not as an employee, the liability cover does not cover the APN (Adkins & Corus, 2009). For instance, when one is at home and a neighbor child develops a high fever, is vomiting, and has frequent diarrhea; then an APN gives his or her opinion and respond. So long as the nurse responded, he or she immediately forms the nurse-patient relationship voluntarily and you are giving your advice in the capacity an APN, the nurse is held accountable for their actions. Due to these legal responsibilities that are attached to a person as a nurse, it therefore important for APN to purchase individual coverage for malpractice (Durand et al., 2015).

Nursing Best practice Research Assignment References

Adkins, N., & Corus, C. (2009). Health literacy for improved health outcomes: Effective capital in the marketplace. Journal Of Consumer Affairs, 43(2), 199–222.

Carroll, A., & Buddenbaum, J. (2013). High and low-risk specialties experience with the U.S. medical malpractice system. BMC Health Services Research, 13(1), 465. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-465

Durand, M., Moulton, B., Cockle, E., Mann, M., & Elwyn, G. (2015). Can shared decision-making reduce medical malpractice litigation? A systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0823-2

Hyman, C., Liebman, C., Schechter, C., & Sage, W. (2010). Interest-Based Mediation of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits: A Route to Improved Patient Safety?. Journal Of Health Politics, Policy, And Law, 35(5), 797-828. https://www.doi:10.1215/03616878-2010-028

Rodwin, M., & Silverman, J. (2015). Why the Medical Malpractice Crisis Persists Even When Malpractice Insurance Premiums Fall. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://www.doi:10.2139/ssrn.2484015

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