Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management

Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management Examine and Analyse how an organization global sourcing practice is managed?

Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management
Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management

Must to follow the instructions which attached in files “ONE” & “TWO”

You should include the key themes explored in this module in your analysis:

GS strategy and structure, GS supply base management, GS risk management, GS related logistics management, GS related sustainability practice, Global supply chain leadership & learning, and Service offshore outsourcing.”

Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management

” follow the instruction in the file named ” ONE” very carefully”


Up to 3000 words

“Select an organization implementing global sourcing and carries out a desk-based project by searching academic literature and archival data (e.g., internet resources; news coverage) which provide relevant data on the selected organization’s global sourcing practice.

You are required to examine its global sourcing practice in light of current global sourcing literature. Analyze how the global sourcing (GS) is managed i.e., identify its GS strategy, GS structure as well as any areas which may require improvements of the selected organization.

You should include the key themes explored on this module in your analysis, such as GS strategy and structure, GS supply base management, GS risk management, GS related logistics management, GS related sustainability practice, global supply chain leadership & learning, and service offshore outsourcing.”

Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management

Highly encouraged: how the business model innovation affect the company’s global sourcing strategies; how the company’s global sourcing practice is adapted to the changing global business environment and the disruptive technologies

How to search for academic literature?

Snowballing (key papers -> references; small -> large)

Search engine:

Literature management software: Mendeley


Read carefully “Tips on Assignment and Dissertation Structure”

Title page

Abstract (about 250 words)

Introduction: overview and set the scene of your study

Literature review: briefly review the literature with key papers relevant to findings

Findings and analysis: based on data collected and using the frameworks in which you are taught in class

Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management Conclusion and discussion


Appendix (if needed)

Assessment marking criteria

Demonstrating good knowledge and understanding of course materials.

Providing evidence of research beyond that covered in the module.

Critical reflection and evaluation of the subject.

Logical and insightful analysis.

Well structured, concise and readable mode of presentation

Times New Roman; font size 12; 1.5 line space; Harvard style referencing

Original conclusions demonstrating both implications for theory in addition to clear recommendations for practice.

Highly encouraged: 1. make tables/figures based on your understanding of literature and practical materials; 2. theory from literature review + practical examples

Assessment (ECMM179)

Individual assignment report (up to 3000 words)

All to be submitted individually and electronically

See details of the assessment and marking criteria



The module assessment is as outlined in the module description at the beginning of this handbook i.e. assignment (100%).

The assignment should be up to 3000 words (main text). It should be structured in a conventional way i.e. title, abstract, introduction, literature, findings, and analysis, conclusion and discussion, references, appendix. The assignment brief is as follows:

“Select an organization implementing global sourcing and carries out a desk-based project by searching academic literature and archival data (e.g., internet resources; news coverage) which provide relevant data on the selected organization’s global sourcing practice.

Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management

You are required to examine its global sourcing practice in light of current global sourcing literature. Analyze how the global sourcing (GS) is managed i.e., identify its GS strategy, GS structure as well as any areas which may require improvements of the selected organization. You should include the key themes explored in this module in your analysis:

GS strategy and structure, GS supply base management, GS risk management, GS related logistics management, GS related sustainability practice, Global supply chain leadership & learning, and Service offshore outsourcing.”

Note: Please use the standard Harvard system of referencing. For example, when referencing in the main text: (Smith and Jones, 2004). And when referencing in the bibliography: Smith, A. and Jones, T. (2004). Please also use appendices, but sensibly and sparingly! Do not use extensive footnotes, particularly in addition to conventional referencing as this can be confusing for the reader.

Organization Global Sourcing Practice Management Assignment marking criteria

– marks are awarded for:

  • Demonstrating good knowledge and understanding of course material.
  • Providing evidence of research beyond that covered in the course.
  • Critical reflection and evaluation of the subject.
  • Logical and insightful analysis.
  • Well structured, concise and readable mode of presentation.
  • Original conclusions demonstrating both implications for theory in addition to clear recommendations for practice.

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