Personal Stress Management Plan

Personal Stress Management Plan PART TWO – Create your personal Stress Management Plan.: Handling stress requires examining your life, making choices, and acting on your choices. This is an ongoing process.

Personal Stress Management Plan
Personal Stress Management Plan

Now is the time for some real soul- searching? Make yourself a plan. How can you use the material we have covered in class to help you? How will you manage your physical, behavioral, and emotional stress symptoms? How will you manage your sources of stress? Be very specific. Which techniques will you use in which situations? With which people?

Personal Stress Management Plan

How will you put them into effect? Use the outline summary for help. The more specific details you include, the stronger and more useful your plan will be. – At least 4 typed pages, double-spaced. Be sure to include

-Changing your most common distortions to more accurate thinking

– Specific positive affirmations that you think will be helpful to you (see samples on blackboard¦.also look at your most common thought distortions and try to counter them)

-Improving your communication style – Sub-goals and rewards

-Specific behavioral strategies – Physical and lab techniques

-Changing the stressful event when and if possible – Taking care of your health

– How you can develop your hobby or new hobbies

Grading Guidelines for Final Project: 50 Points

I Professionalism 10 Points

  1. Handed in on time
  2. Has a cover page with your name, course, and section number, return address
  3. Is typed and spell checked. The paper should be free of typing or spelling errors or repeated words. Paper is stapled.

II Content – The more specific details you include, the stronger your plan will be.

  1. Is it a solution-oriented? Don’t just explain your stress. Focus on strategies for stress management. 10
  2. Is it through? Cover your major sources of stress and stress symptoms. 10
  3. Specific and realistic? Explain which people and circumstances require which strategies. Give details on how you will carry out these strategies. 10
  4. Does it include health and physical activity? Be sure to include specific exercise strategies or other lab techniques, at a specific time and place, as well as seeing doctors and your dentist regularly. – 10


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