Organizational Culture and Communication

Organizational Culture and Communication Choose an organization (i.e. company, charity, a government body, educational institution, etc.) to discuss in the context of organizational culture (Chapter 11) and communication.

Organizational Culture and Communication
Organizational Culture and Communication

The paper should be divided into four or five parts (as described below) with the length of the paper more or less equally divided by each part.

Part 1

Describe the organization you are choosing to discuss and briefly explain why you chose it.

Part 2

Provide a detailed analysis of the organizationís culture.

Part 3

Explain how the organizationís culture reflects on the internal communication (with and between employees). Please cite and analyze at least one specific example and tie it back to your analysis in Part

2 (feel free to cite more than one example).

Part 4

Explain how the organizationís culture reflects on external communication (with the public and clientele). Please cite and analyze at least one specific example and tie it back to your analysis in Part 2

(feel free to cite more than one example).

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