The Amazon Financial Management from Forbes

The Amazon Financial Management from Forbes Description

According to a Forbes article:

The Amazon Financial Management from Forbes
The Amazon Financial Management from Forbes

Amazon’s largest acquisitions include Whole Foods for $13.7B in 2017, online shoe retailer Zappos for $1.2B in 2009, and smart doorbell & security camera manufacturer Ring for approximately $1B earlier this year. In 2014 Amazon acquired e-sports streaming site Twitch for $970M, and warehouse robotics maker Kiva Systems for $775M in 2012. As of today, Amazon has more than 45,000 robots in its warehouses.

Taking this business model-based approach to evaluating Amazonís potential acquisitions, the following companies deserve to be on their shopping list for 2018. (a)Best Buy, (b) H. Robinson, (c) Expeditors, (d) Grainger and (e) Performance Health. Which company would you select to be a part of Amazon and why?

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