Personal development action plan Paper

Personal development action plan
Personal development action plan

Personal development action plan

Order Instructions:

Dear Admin,

I need an essay in the following subject:

Based upon the required articles that is attached and your experience, reflect on your personal goals and how they relate to your career development.

Develop a personal development action plan, based on earlier PDP submissions that are provided in the attachment files.

1)The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2)The answer must include examples from aviation experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real aviation companies

3) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

4)Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

5)I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Best regards


My personal goals relate and how they relate to my career development in various ways. My professional development objectives involve treating individuals as prized customers while contributing positively to the organization. I also intend to offer services that provide an enthusiastic interest in the lives of other people. My aim in personal development by continuing to develop my range of skills in my profession and my ability to balance between my professional and personal life are abilities I possess that are a great asset to me.

My Human Resource competencies that include the knowledge, values and abilities for a HR professional coupled with the right aptitude and attitudes towards the profession will enable me perform better than others enabling me to create intangible shareholder value, engage employees and serve clientele. To achieve my personal development goals in the next five years, I will need to possess six competency values. Being a credible activist of the profession will enable to soar to great heights and will make me a credible professional within the profession (Adams, 2013). In order to be active, I will take leadership and management positions that will ensure I undergo challenges in the profession on a day-to-day basis. Overcoming such challenges and learning to adapt and change strategies depending on the circumstances at hand will make me one of the best Human Resource practitioners as I establish the right competencies and experiences over time. The pursuit of such positions will also ensure that I learn to replace my self-doubt with self-confidence adding value to both myself and the organizations I work with and for (Alexandria, 2008).

My ability to focus on personal relationships and my understanding that every individual has something unique to offer will make me develop networks with other related professionals in my field. Networking with other professionals also ensures that I obtain current and recent knowledge on changes and advances of the professional making me a better human resource professional. In relation to my goals and professional development objectives, I intend to draft an action plan that will help me work with my manager to deliberate on my key competencies and abilities and design ways to expand my demonstration of them. The action plan will also involve working as a volunteer or as an intern in various companies and organizations with unique Human resource programs to attain experience and exposure (Palmer, 2004).

Finally, my professional goal of creating a portfolio of my skills and abilities and what I have achieved in my work as a human resource professional will enable me market myself further into the profession to a point where I could be a private consultant providing consultancy services to individuals and corporations. This goal will spur me to greater heights as I might even end up with enough experience to be a head in a diverse human resources department in a multi-billion dollar global organization such as Southwest Airlines, Microsoft, Coca-cola, or Google (Lawler and Boudreau, 2013).

Personal development action plan

My first goal will be to develop an attitude of cooperation and quality in our daily operations and to create working conditions that fosters fun, safety, and challenges. Upsurge the participation in community and company activities while seeking enthusiasm, an improved quality of life for everyone. The Second goal is Change and Culture Stewardship. I intend to articulate, appreciate, and assist in shaping the company’s culture. To achieve this, I must facilitate change by helping it happen and developing disciplines throughout the organization by implementation of initiatives, projects, or strategy. My third goal will be the introduction of talent management in the organization (Miller, 2001). My fourth goal is to be a Strategy Architect and have the knowledge of how the company can prosper in the marketplace, now and in the future by recognizing business trends and their influence on it, enabling the process of achieving strategic clarity, and forecasting potential barriers to success. My final goal is being an operational Executer by implementing the operational aspects of managing employees and companies (Mclagan & Bedrick 2012).

Goals and Objectives
1.      Develop an attitude of cooperation

2.      Change and Culture Stewardship

3.      Talent Management

4.      Strategy Architecture

5.      Operational Execution

Start Date End Date
1.      Community and corporation between members of the organisation are achieved when people start working together.

2.      Milestone to achieve in objective two is the creation and shaping of a new organisational culture while respecting the structures of the old.

3.      Introduction of talent management in the organization.

4.      Having the knowledge of how the company can prosper in the market place.

5.      Ensuring staff basic needs are met.

Step towards accomplishing milestone

1.      Encourage the participation in community and company activities such as sports and community service creating joy, enthusiasm, and friendships improving the work and private life of everybody involved.

2.      Ideally, it starts with transparency around external customer expectations and then converting them to internal organization and employee behaviors.

3.      To achieve this, I must facilitate change by helping it happen and developing disciplines throughout the organization. It may have to include implementation of initiatives, projects, or strategy.

4.      Becoming the Talent manager in the organization in order to create and enforce policy aligned with customer strategy and requirements.

5.      Involve myself actively in the establishment of the organization overall strategy by recognizing business trends and their influence enabling the process of achieving strategic clarity, and forecasting potential barriers to success.

6.      Implementing the operational aspects of managing employees and companies


Adams, L., & Allred, A. (2013). The first step in proactively managing students’ careers:   teaching self-SWOT analysis. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 17(4): 43-   51.

Alexandria. (2008). Society for Human Resource Management: managing your human resource     career.

Community Tool Box. (2013). Section 14 SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Retrieved from: contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/swot-analysis/main on 20/2/2015.

Lawler & Boudreau. (2013). Achieving strategic excellence: Assessment of Human resource             organizations. Stanford, CA.

Mclagan, P., & Bedrick. (2012). Models for Excellence: The results of the ASTD training and       development study.

Miller, G. (2001). The career coach: Winning strategies for getting ahead in today’s job market.      New York:

Palmer. (2004). Higher performance. HR Magazine, 51(6), 135-142.

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