Personal Investment Risk and Return Evaluation

Personal Investment Risk and Return EvaluationPersonal investment– is it just a matter of evaluating risk and return or simply luck?” Abstract (400 word):brief introduction to personal investment (300 w) and route map for the essay (100 w).

Personal Investment Risk and Return Evaluation
Personal Investment Risk and Return Evaluation

The main body:
Part I (1500 w) (technical analysis):
1) Technical analysis (750 w):
• Introduction to the module and how it is work (250 w).
• Two advantages (e.g. with each advantage) (250 w).
• Two obstacles (with e.g. to each point) (250 w).
2)Introduction the module and explain how it is work (250 w).(750 w):
• Introduction the module and explain how it is work (250 w).
• Two advantages (e.g. with each advantage) (250 w).
• Two obstacles (with e.g. to each point) (250 w)
Part II (1500 w) (just luck):
1) The random walk theory (750 w):
• Introduction the module and explain how it is work (250 w).
• Two advantages (e.g. with each advantage) (250 w).
• Two obstacles (with e.g. to each point) (250 w).
2) The Efficient Market Hypotheses EMH (750 w):

Personal Investment Risk and Return Evaluation Introduction Module

• Introduction the module and explain how it is work (250 w).
• Two advantages (e.g. with each advantage) (250 w).
Two obstacles (with e.g. to each point) (250 w).
Conclusion (400 w):
• What (50 w).
• How (300 w).
• Ending sentence (50). 1) Introduction the module and explain how it is work (250 w).(750 w):
• Introduction to the module and how it is work (250 w).
• Two advantages (e.g. with each advantage) (250 w).
• Two obstacles (with e.g. to each point) (250 w).
2) Fundamental analysis (750 w):
Introduction the module and explain how it is work (250 w).
• Two advantages (e.g. with each advantage) (250 w).
• Two obstacles (with e.g. to each point) (250 w)
Part II (1500 w) (just luck):
1) The random walk theory (750 w):
• Introduction the module and explain how it is work (250 w). Personal Investment Risk and Return Evaluation
• Two advantages (e.g. with each advantage) (250 w).
• Two obstacles (with e.g. to each point) (250 w).

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