Personal Worldview and Research Mindset in Business

Personal Worldview and Research Mindset in Business
Personal Worldview and Research Mindset in Business

Personal Worldview and Research Mindset in Business

Personal worldview and research mindset in business

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Your Personal Worldview and Your Research Mindset

Have you ever heard the expression that someone is “right-brained” or “left-brained”? This notion implies that there are multiple ways of viewing the world or of perceiving reality. How you perceive the world may influence your thinking and perspective in ways that go beyond the obvious. For a researcher, it is critical to recognize one’s worldview and the perspectives that derive from it. One means of doing this is to conduct a personal inventory.

Refer to the handout “Your Personal Worldview Worksheet.” After you have completed the worksheet, post a statement by Day 3 explaining your worldview to your colleagues and Instructor. Follow the worksheet’s instructions for drafting your personal statement, and consider how your worldview aligns with the worldviews described in this week’s readings from the course text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Be sure to incorporate ideas and concepts from the readings about practitioner and professional doctorates as well. Your entire statement should be 2 to 3 paragraphs long, or range between 400–600 words.

Material A
Linking Theory to Your Business Problem Statement

DDBA 8427 Applied Research Methods – Qualitative and Quantitative
Linking Theory to Your Business Problem Statement

Review the Discussion and Application instructions for this week in the online classroom. This handout will guide you through the process of applying a quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approach to your Problem Statement.

If you do not already have one, begin by creating a template for an APA-formatted paper. Review the APA Publication Manual and note the sections pertaining to the required cover page, abstract, introduction, text of the paper, conclusion, and references. Also note the elements related to running heads and page headers. You may wish to save this template for future papers.

Each of the numbered sections below corresponds to a section within the main text of your paper; remember that an abstract and introduction will precede this section and that a conclusion will follow it. Follow the order presented, and organize your responses to the questions so that your writing has a logical flow. Incorporate references to the course text and any other sources that you deem appropriate. Keep in mind that direct quotations should be somewhat limited, as should instances of paraphrasing. The majority of your paper should reflect your own thoughts and only rely upon outside resources for structure, reinforcement, and validation.

I. Phenomenon for Research – State the phenomenon that you intend to research in broad terms. Examples: interactions between managers and staff; impact of mission statements on financial decisions; strategic aspects of an organizational unit; disparities between national and international planning in a given endeavor.

II. Your Problem Statement – Introduce your Problem Statement and illustrate its linkage to the phenomenon. If you need to revise your Problem Statement from DDBA 8160: Business Strategy and Innovation at this time, you may do so.

III. Your Problem Statement in a Worldview – Refer to Table 1.1 in your course text (Creswell, p. 6). Select three research tendencies, each from one of the four worldviews listed. Write a 1- to 3-sentence statement for each worldview that conceptualizes the phenomenon and your Problem Statement within that view. You may first need to do some brief research on concise definitions of the worldviews listed. Example:

The question of how closely financial decisions and organizational missions are aligned in small enterprises needs further investigation (phenomenon). It is theorized that financial decision makers in small manufacturing firms align their financial decisions with organizational missions less than 10% of the time, as measured by an investigation of the financial decisions of a sample population (problem statement). This is a Theory Vertification study under the category of a Postpositivist worldview.

IV. Alignment of Research Methods – Match each of your statements to a method. You should have one quantitative approach, one qualitative, and one mixed method. For each statement, list the method and outline how you might conduct the study within the paradigm of that research approach. This is meant to be a preliminary and general sketch of a potential approach; you will likely expand on and expound upon it with greater precision and clarity by the end of the course. Example:

In order to conduct a mixed methods study of the alignment of financial decisions to organizational mission in small manufacturing firms, this study will collect internal and external financial statements from a random sample of 200 manufacturers with fewer than 200 employees. The financial data will be correlated to the organizational missions. Random chief financial officers will be selected for surveys and structured interviews. The financial data and compiled responses will be compared to paint a picture of the degree of alignment between financial decisions and organizational missions. It is posited that the statistical relationship between the dependent and independent variables will be reinforced by the surveys and structured interview findings.

A. Quantitative Approach
B. Qualitative Approach
C. Mixed Methods Approach

In your conclusion, summarize your proposed approaches, and discuss their similarities and differences. Be sure to include 3–5 questions for further consideration or areas for colleague and Instructor input and suggestions. Review your paper for APA formatting, and be sure that it contains all of the required elements. Then, return to the online classroom for posting and peer review (Discussion area), and for submission instructions (Application area).


Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Material# B
Your Personal Worldview Worksheet

DDBA 8427 Applied Research Methods – Qualitative and Quantitative
Your Personal Worldview Worksheet

Record your answers to the following questions. You will synthesize your answers into a complete statement at the end, so feel free to include limited personal information in the chart below. You should exclude anything personal or confidential that you wish to keep from the synthesized statement at the end, however. The chart below is for your own reference and is meant to be shared with colleagues or your Instructor.

Questions Responses
Think about your educational experiences. How do you learn best?
Think about your information-gathering and investigation skills. How do you search out answers to questions (e.g., about your health or as an informed consumer)?
Think about your interpersonal communication skills. How do you attempt to influence the behavior of others (e.g., through persuasion or interpersonal negotiation)?
Think about your problem-solving skills. How do you approach challenges (personal or professional)?
Think about your self-identity. Describe your personal background and experiences, including your cultural background and experiences.
Think about your professional persona. Describe your professional background and experiences (education, work, etc).
Think about your self-identity and its relationship to your professional practice. How do you think your personal, cultural, and professional experiences have influenced your personal beliefs, values, and worldview? How have they influenced your professional interests and the way in which you will approach and conduct research?
Think about how you would present yourself to others in an executive summary or “elevator pitch” (wherein you only have the time that it takes to ride an elevator to present an idea to the person riding with you). Based on the above information, summarize how you see the world in 3–5 sentences.

Based on this exercise, compose a statement reflecting your worldview for the benefit of your colleagues and Instructor. The first part of your statement will include the last segment from the table above, edited to remove any personal information you do not wish to share. The second part will explain how your worldview aligns with the worldviews described in the course text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Your entire statement should be comprised of 2 paragraphs and range between 400–600 words.

Please be advice of the message from my professor: Thanks My feedback to you and the class is to avoid the use of Creswell.

Creswell will not be seen cited in this class, I do not take off points the first week on this matter so, you are good for now. However, ensure you are using your APA manual as you make your reference, this is where most of the point deduction will take place as I take this piece very seriously.


Personal Worldview and Research Mindset in Business

Environment has influenced my way or perception of the world. Those who I interact with, my teachers and strangers, have had so much impact in my life.  My guiding factor is ethics, which always directs my decisions in all aspects of my life.

Material A
Linking Theory to your Business Problem Statement
I. Phenomenon for Research – State the phenomenon that you intend to research in broad terms. The effects of Human Resource Management Practices in an Organization
II. Your Problem Statement –

The typical Human Resource Management practices are staff recruitment and selection, training and development, and compensation and Performance appraisal. These practices have been found to be linked to the level of organizational performance. However, how these factors affect organizational performance varies from one organization to another. Indeed, the literature reviewed indicates that there is no uniformly acceptable standard on Human Resource Management Practices effect on organizational performance (Abeysekera, 2007).

III. Your Problem Statement in a Worldview –

When making  a decision on training organizational needs, one needs to first know what kind of training and mode will add value to the organization, thus, on job or off job training. Only off-the-job training improves performance. Effective training not only equips employees with most of the knowledge and skills required to accomplish jobs, but it also helps achieve overall organizational objectives by contributing to the satisfaction and productivity of the employees.

Employee compensation packages are a prerequisite for companies that want to attract and retain high –caliber, skilled staff. Proper management of compensation is a good source of employee motivation and a good source to measure organization performance. A well designed compensation plan gives an organization a competitive advantage, it helps to attract the best job candidates, motivates them to perform to their maximum potential, and retain them for long.

Performance appraisal also influences other HRMP such as recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and employee relation, and retention. As performance appraisal leads to pay raise, promotion, and training, it is assumed that better performance appraisal can have impact on organizational performance. Performance appraisal means evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards (Jike, 2003).

  1. Alignment of Research Methods –

The study will utilize descriptive research design, which aims to establish how the independent variable relates with performance variables. This being a case study, the target population will be 215 permanent employees. Random sampling method will be used to select respondent of sample size representing 39% of the population. Primary data will be collected through self- administered questionnaire. Data will be analyzed using two levels of analysis: descriptive statistics describing frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation; regression analysis, which was used to establish the strength of the relationship between Human Resource Management practices and Performance. The result of the study was expected to show the effect of the independent variable studied on dependent variables (Bergh  & Ketchen, 2009).


Reliability is the degree of consistency with which an instrument measures the attributes for which it is designed. One type of questionnaire will be administered to the identified sample.  Ten employees will be identified representing the strata’s for pilot test of the questionnaire. This will give the researcher an opportunity to identify flaws in understanding whether questions and directions are clear to the subject. The main reason for testing the questionnaire is to ensure that it fits as an instrument in the primary data collection process. Data collection bias will be minimized by use of a trained research assistant who will administer the questionnaires, and standardized conditions such as exhibit of similar personal attributes to all respondents. The subjects will be requested not to write their names on the questionnaire to ensure confidentiality

The research questions are:

  1. What are the effects of staff recruitment practice on CRF performance?
  2. How does training and development affect CRF performance?
  3. How does compensation affect staff performance at CRF?
  4. What are the effects of staff performance appraisal practices to CRF performance?
  5. How does HRMP affect Employee outcome?
  6. Does the joint effect of HRMP and employee outcome affect CRF performance


Abeysekera, R. (2007) The impact of Human Resource Management Practices on marketing executive turnover of companies in Sri Lanka. Contemporary Management Research 3 (3).

Bergh, D. D., & Ketchen, D. J. (2009). Research methodology in strategy and management. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Jike, V. (2003). Organizational behavior and negative attitudes in Nigeria’s Public  employment sector. The Empirical Nexus. Abuja Manage Review 1:4

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