Program Implementation and Health Education

Program Implementation and Health Education Please read the article below and answer the following questions:

Program Implementation and Health Education
Program Implementation and Health Education

What was the purpose of the intervention and what was its rationale?
Briefly describe the design, the procedure, and the participants. (1/2 page)
What were the components of the intervention? (1/2 page)
What types of evaluation did the researchers employ to assess the effects of the intervention? Of what did these evaluations consist
? (1/2 page)
Was the intervention successful? Please explain. Then, please formulate a discussion on what may have been the factors that
affected the intervention’s success or lack thereof. Use both the authors’ speculations as well as yours.
Bere E., Veierod, M. B., Bjelland M., & Klepp K. I. (2006).
Outcome and process evaluation of a Norwegian school-randomized fruit
and vegetable intervention: Fruits and Vegetables Make the Marks
(FVMM). Health Education Research, 21 (2) 258-267.

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