Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility

Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility
Project Charter for the St. Dismas             Assistance Living Facility

Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility

Order Instructions:
Scope statement and work breakdown structure (WBS) for this project.
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Richard Cordor:
Project scope statement and a work breakdown structure. Develop a project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility Case Study. You should develop a Scope statement and work breakdown structure (WBS) for this project. Include the standared title page, introduction, scope statement, WBS and conclusions. That is the instruction.


Project Charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility

Purpose of Project Charter

The purpose of this project charter is to develop a project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility Case Study.

The project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project charter documents and tracks the necessary information required by decision maker(s) to approve the project for funding. The project charter should include the needs, scope, justification, and resource commitment as well as the project’s sponsor(s) decision to proceed or not to proceed with the project.  It is created during the Initiating Phase of the project.

The intended audience of the project charter for the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project charter is the project sponsor and senior leadership.

Project and Product Overview:

The living facility that is intended for development is for St. Dismas church. The facility is to provide residence for the church leaders who have been renting living premises for a very long time. This has been too expensive for the church. The living facility is intended to commence being constructed as soon as possible when the funds are made available. The facility is intended to be put up within the church compound and will take a period of 18 months. The total amount expected for the project is $1.5M


The facility will be very useful for both church members and church leaders.  St. Dismas church has a total population of 300,000 church members who need spiritual nourishment from their leaders. The leaders and the spiritual providers therefore are required to be within the church premises so that they can be accessed by the church members so easily. Therefore, development of this living facility will have so much impact to St. Dismas church members and the society as a whole.



The objectives of the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project are as follows:

  • To construct a five storey building for accommodation of the church leaders
  • To furnish the living facility with all the necessary furniture
  • To buy more land for further development

High-Level Requirements

The following table presents the requirements that the project’s product, service or result must meet in order for the project objectives to be satisfied.

Requirement I Requirement Description
Land ownership The land is present. However, the builder and house design are selected separately.
Construction and design requirements All works and practices in relation to the construction must be completed:

(Schwalbe, 2009).

Major Deliverables

The following table presents the major deliverables that the project’s product, service or result must meet in order for the project objectives to be satisfied.

Major Deliverable I Deliverable Description
Issuance of required permits   This are very necessary since no construction can take       a place without them
Contractor’s scope of work and Schedule of Values    This is the definition of the worl plan
Subcontractor and Material Suppliers This involves the delivery of all the builing materials.

(Heldman, 2011).


The project work will not include construction of pavements and the block fence. In addition, it is not automatic that the contractor’s contract will be renewed in case of any other form of construction.



The designing of the project would take a period of two month, construction work until its completion a total of 16 month from December 2014 to 2016 March.

Assumptions, Constraints and Risks


The living houses are being constructed to provide accommodation to the church leaders. The assumption is that the church leaders are having challenges in getting accommodation.


There might be time constraints especially in finishing the construction within the scheduled time. This is due to changes in weather patterns which are unpredictable.


The approval of the construction by the government authorities might delay the project work. A possible mitigation strategy would be to schedule requirement sessions with the partners as early as possible.

Project Organization

Roles and Responsibilities

This section describes the key roles supporting the project.

Project Role Project Responsibilities
Project Sponsor Person responsible for acting as the project’s champion and providing direction and support to the team.
Government Monitor Government employee who provides the interface between the project team and the project sponsor.
Contracting Officer Person who has the authority to enter into, terminate, or change a contractual agreement on behalf of the Government.
Project Officer A program representative responsible for coordinating with acquisition officials on projects for which contract support is contemplated.
Project Manager (This could include a Contractor Project Manager or an FTE Project Manager) Person who performs the day-to-day management of the project and has specific accountability for managing the project within the approved constraints of scope.
Business Steward Person in management, often the Branch Chief or Division Director, who is responsible for the project in its entirety.
Technical Steward Person who is responsible for the technical day-to-day aspects of the system including the details of system development.
Security Steward Person who is responsible for playing the lead role for maintaining the project’s information security.

(Anderson & Forest Products Laboratory 2002).

Stakeholders (Internal and External)

The stakeholders are the church members and other related churches.

Project Charter approval

The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the project charter and authorize and fund the St. Dismas Assistance Living Facility project.  Changes to this project charter will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives.


Signature: Date:
Print Name:


This project charter will provide a comprehensive guideline towards implementing the above named project work.


Anderson, L. O., & Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.). (2002). Wood-frame house construction. New York ; Hong Kong: Books for Buisiness.

Heldman, K. (2011). Project management jumpstart. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Schwalbe, K. (2009). Introduction to project management. Boston, Mass: Course Technology.

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