Proposal on Gulf Cooperation Council GCC

Proposal on Gulf Cooperation Council GCC Order Instructions: This week, you will dig deeper into your selected dissertation topic by outlining specific details of your Proposal. This assignment will serve as a draft for Section 1 of the Proposal and give you an opportunity to get valuable feedback from your Instructor.

Proposal on Gulf Cooperation Council GCC
Proposal on Gulf Cooperation Council GCC

Using Section 1 of the Proposal Proforma, refine your topic and outline the following details about your intended research:

•Draft research questions/hypotheses
•Draft research objectives
•Feasibility of the study

Proposal on Gulf Cooperation Council GCC Sample Answer



The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) comprises of the oil-producing and exporting Arab states situated in the Gulf region. The members of GCC include United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. These Gulf Cooperation Council member states hold nearly twenty-three percent and fifty percent of the world’s gas and oil reserves respectively (Toksoz 2012). Since the Gulf Cooperation Council is the world’s biggest producer of oil at the moment, the member countries are by and large seen as being disinclined and unwilling to be fully committed to major talks regarding climate change (Peterson 2011).

It is worth mentioning that the high consumption of oil and gas in conjunction with the ever-increasing population are driving the need for oil and gas energies to adequately satisfy their local demand as well as industrial usage. In the past few years, a noteworthy trend has been a drop in global prices of oil and gas thanks to a number of reasons. Some of the reasons include re-emergence of quite a few other major oil producers for instance Iran and Iraq; the sluggish economic growth of some newly emerging markets such as India, China and Brazil; as well as developments in new technologies such as electric cars and renewable sources of energy like solar energy (Sang Hoon & Seong-Min 2013). The drop in the prices of oil in the international marketplace has served to drive the member states of the GCC to consider other new approaches for obtaining other income sources (McBride, 2015). In essence, solar power in addition to other renewable sources of energy is a significant alternative source of energy.

According to Kendall-Taylor (2011), new processes of extracting oil and gas from underground particularly the shale production technique have also contributed to the challenges faced by the GCC member states. Consequently, a number of member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council have had sluggish economic growth since they almost exclusively rely on the export of oil and gas to international markets for their revenues (Jaffe & Elass 2015). On the whole, the demand for oil and gas would without doubt decline even with low prices for these products. Kendall-Taylor (2011) pointed out that the fall in the prices of oil from the Gulf Cooperation Council could result in production cut by the GCC member states particular when the prices of oil and gas are low. This is largely because these countries would want to retain their shares on the international oil market (Kassicieh & Nassar 2013).


The aim of the proposed research study is to establish the climate changes and their impact on the energy policies of the members of the GCC. The study will also be aimed at exploring the impact as well as significance of oil price drops on the Gulf Cooperation Council Arab states.

Draft research questions/hypotheses

The proposed research study will delve the significance and impact of an oil price drop on GCC countries, governments, companies, and individuals in consideration of the following research question:

  • How essential are sustainable energy resources for the oil-rich GCC states that are affected when the prices of oil are lowered?

Draft research objectives

Taking into account the aim of the study and the aforementioned research question, the objective of the proposed research will be to find out the challenges that member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council come across or face whenever the prices of oil and gas drop. The research study will also look into the future endeavors and ventures of the GCC countries in creating a sustainable energy system.

Feasibility of the study

Since the researcher has access to the available resources to complete the project, the research study is considered feasible. The study is viable since the researcher has access to scholarly electronic databases and can easily reach the participants to collect data from them. The researcher will collate relevant data from a number of different resources including both secondary sources of data and primary sources of data. With regard to primary sources, interviews will be conducted on some of the stakeholders in the GCC countries.

Proposal on Gulf Cooperation Council GCC References

Jaffe, A, & Elass, J 2015, ‘War and the oil price cycle’, Journal Of International Affairs, 69, 1, pp. 121-137, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Kassicieh, S, & Nassar, J 2013, ‘Political Risk in the Gulf: The Impact of the Iran-Iraq War on Governments and Multinational Corporations’, California Management Review, 28, 2, pp. 69-86, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Kendall-Taylor, 2011, ‘Instability and Oil: How Political Time Horizons Affect Oil Revenue Management’, Studies In Comparative International Development, 46, 3, pp. 321-348, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

McBride, M 2015, ‘Global oil price plunge shakes up the way governments do taxes’, International Tax Review, p. 1, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Peterson, JE 2011, ‘Life after Oil: Economic Alternatives for the Arab Gulf States’, Mediterranean Quarterly, 20, 3, pp. 1-18, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Sang Hoon, K, & Seong-Min, Y 2013, ‘Return and Volatility Transmission Between Oil Prices and Emerging Asian Markets’, Seoul Journal Of Business, 19, 2, pp. 73-93, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Toksoz, M 2012, ‘The Gulf Cooperation Council and the global recession’, Journal Of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies, 12, 2, pp. 195-206, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

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