Protocol for Diagnosis, Management, and Follow-Up Care

Protocol for Diagnosis, Management, and Follow-Up Care
Protocol for Diagnosis, Management,                    and Follow-Up Care

Application: Protocol for Diagnosis, Management, and Follow-Up Care of Growth and Development and Psychosocial Issues

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Application: Protocol for Diagnosis, Management, and Follow-Up Care of Growth and Development and Psychosocial Issues

As pediatric patients grow from infancy to adolescence, there are many common growth and development and psychosocial issues that may potentially present. As an advanced practice nurse caring for these patients, you must be able to recognize red flags and select age-appropriate assessment and treatment options. In this Assignment, you prepare for your role in clinical settings as you design an age-specific protocol for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up care for a common growth and development or psychosocial issue.

To prepare:

•Reflect on the age group and the growth and development or psychosocial issue of a toddler.

•Think about the epidemiology of the issue.

•Consider an age-appropriate protocol for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up care of the issue you selected.

•Think about how culture might impact the care of patients that present with this issue.

To complete:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

•Explain a growth and development or psychosocial issue that might present in the age group you selected. Include the epidemiology of the issue in your explanation.

•Explain an age-appropriate protocol for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up care of this issue.

•Explain how culture might impact the care of patients who present with the growth and development or psychosocial issue you selected.

Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.


Protocol for Diagnosis, Management, and Follow-Up Care

Developmental Issues in Toddlers

Nurses identify red flags in situations where children fail to meet the expected developments. There are guidelines that allow nurses to determine whether children exhibit a normal course of growth. In the toddler stage, for example, children are expected to exhibit tendency to seek independence (MacLeod, 2013). Aspects of growth considered in identifying red flags include gross and fine movements, communication, as well as emotional and social interactions (Queensland Government, 2010, Pg. 1). The capabilities that children attain at different stages allow for the evaluation of their growth pattern. Children may also exhibit traits that could suggest abnormalities. Both failure to express certain traits and expression of abnormal characteristics raise alarms termed as red flags.

Sleep disorders are possible developmental ailments that toddlers could express. Both excessive and reduced sleeping during toddler stage could be developmental disorders (Patient, 2015). Toddlers should develop the circadian pattern if their growth is normal. Common sleep abnormalities that toddlers express include difficulties in settling in beds, and unexpected waking up at night (Stores, 2009, Pg. 83). Other disorders include sleep apnea, periodic limb motion, and restless legs complex (Stores, 2009, Pg. 83). Epidemiological investigations show that approximately 30% of children experienced sleep disorders. Research shows that toddlers could have more of night-time waking compared to other age groups (Stores, 2009, Pg. 84). On the other hand, older children could have more nightmares compared to toddlers (Stores, 2009, Pg. 84). Toddlers with other developmental complications such as psychosocial insufficiencies are most affected by sleep disorders.

In assessing and diagnosing sleep disorders in toddlers, practitioners should obtain an informative history, and then conduct physical examinations on their clients. In most cases, evaluating toddlers on cognitive and developmental abnormalities is essential (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24). Healthcare practitioners should differentiate normal sleeping from the abnormal type. For instance, it could be appropriate for toddlers to take habitual naps while it would be pathological for older children (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24). Tools necessary in diagnosing sleep abnormalities include polysomnography. The tool is of particular importance for the assessment of obstructive apnea (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24). It is advisable that healthcare providers involve parents in the management of sleep disorders in toddlers. Parents, guardians and other family members are likely to offer information that would enhance the understanding the etiology of sleep abnormalities in toddlers (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24). Parents can also facilitate follow-ups, especially by recording patterns of sleep shown by their young ones. In addition to finding use in follow-ups, sleep diaries also provide rich information that is important to history collection (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24). It is also advisable that practitioners screen toddlers for sleep disorders other than the already established ones. It is common for other abnormalities to accompany primary sleep abnormalities. For instance, cognitive impairment and day-time drowsiness could accompany sleep apnea (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24).

Culture influences the diagnoses of sleep complications in toddlers. For instance, some cultures could encourage co-sleeping while others may not (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24). The occurrence of certain sleep trait could be normal in some cultural setups while the same could call for complaints in other cultures. Lifestyles adopted through culture could also impact on both assessment and management of sleep disorders. Practices such as watching the television could certainly affect sleeping patterns in toddlers (Moturi & Avis, 2010, Pg. 24).


MacLeod, S. (2013). Erik Erickson. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from

Moturi, S. & Avis, K. (2010). Assessment and treatment of common pediatric sleep disorders. Psychiatry (Edgemont), 7(6), 24-37.

Patient. (2015). Common behavioral problems in children. Retrieved from

Queensland Government. (2010). The red flag: early intervention referral guide for children 0-5 years. Retrieved from

Stores, G. (2009). Aspects of sleep disorders in children and adolescents. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 11(1), 81–90

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