Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children

Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children Working thesis: Society should increase awareness of the importance of counseling to reduce the negative psychological effects of divorce on children?s
mental, emotional and social health.

Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children
Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children

This research paper is a problem/solution essay.
It will mention the problems associated with divorce and recommend counselling as a solution. + how to implement counseling in the middle east
The paper should be a ?10 page argumentative research paper based on primary and/or secondary sources, organized chronologically, climactically, or
-It must contain a counter argument
– AT LEAST 4 Books and 3 Journals. All sources must be credible sources
– 10 pages should be the research paper
-4 pages are annotated bibliography, including 3 books, 3 journal articles and 2 sources of choice (must be credible) Annotated bibliography should
summarize, access and reflect: aprox half a page for each source.

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