Public Service Project Initial Research Plan

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Public Service Project Initial Research Plan
Public Service Project Initial Research Plan

Initial Research Plan

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Public Service Project Initial Research Plan Sample Answer

Initial Research Plan

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Dissertation or Public Service Project (PSP): Click to select Dissertation or PSP

Answer the following questions based on your research subject and drawing on elements covered in the previous research module.  This form will facilitate ‘Advisor Matching’ and will inform early discussions with your Advisor. You will attach this completed form when emailing potential Advisors.

1)      What is/are the research question(s) that you would like to address in your Dissertation, or if undertaking a Public Service Project (PSP) what is the problem or opportunity that you wish to research?


1.      Which human resource strategies influence employee engagement within organizations in Qatar?

2.      How do these human resource strategies influence employee engagement within organizations in Qatar?

3.      How can these human resource strategies be changed in order to improve employee engagement within organizations in Qatar?


2)      What is the purpose of your study and how will your research contribute to existing theory or practice? If undertaking a Public Service Project (PSP) what are the implications for your organization, and how do you envisage the outcome of your research study will contribute to your target organization? Consider the objectives and scope of the intended research. The purpose of this study is to identify and explore the human resource strategies that influence employee engagement within organizations in Qatar. For that reason, this study will provide new insights and knowledge on how these human resource strategies can be changed in order to improve employee engagement.

3)      Provide a brief explanation of the methodological approach to your research.

This is an interpretive qualitative study. Therefore, the research will use epistemology helps to get the knowledge by examining the phenomenon in different ways. It is because; the social background varies from that of natural science.

4)      What type of research methods will you use to collect and analyze your data? You should consider whether you will be taking a quantitative or qualitative approach and explain the rational for your choice.

The case study will be used to research on processes, people and even groups. Using a single entity in Qatar will be a useful approach to help understand how a human resource strategy influences the employee engagement and by use of another company will help in comparison issues. Case studies employ some of the techniques that can be used to collect data in the qualitative methodology. They include the observation and interviews that are the primary data and lastly the corporation documentations in the secondary data.


5)      Explain how you have access to the subjects of your study? What is your approach to gaining access to the subjects of your study?  Please give details.

The  study will use purposive sampling to choose the sample that they know will offer the appropriate data on how the human resource strategies influence employee engagement in Qatar


6)      What conclusions and recommendations do you hope to draw from your research?

This interpretive research shall strive to explore how human resource strategies devised and implemented by human resource management (HRM) professionals as well as managers of organisations in Qatar can influence employee engagement subsequently leading to increased employee commitment, satisfaction as well as retention in their respective groups. Some of the recommendations include; organisations in Qatar should improve their current HRM strategies to improve employee engagement and consequently increase the productivity and profitability of their respective companies.


7)      What are the ethical considerations when carrying out your research?

It is vital for the researcher to adhere to the moral issue. When collecting data, the researcher will take into consideration the privacy of respondents. In addition, the research will not force people to participate but those willing and able and qualify for the investigation will participate.


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