Qualitative Data Analysis Tools Paper

Qualitative Data Analysis Tools
Qualitative Data Analysis Tools

Identifying Themes and Patterns/Qualitative Data Analysis Tools

Order Instructions:

It is important to note that each section should have a separate reference list and most importantly it is critical to respond to all questions detail with credible scholarly sources not more than 5 years old. And it is important to note that for SECTION A, the PDF file for the article has to be attached with the final paper .The writer must follow proper instructions in completing this paper. It’s a total of 3 pages with 1.5 pages for each section.

SECTION A (1.5pages)
Identifying Themes and Patterns
Qualitative data analysis can be quite complex and time-consuming. Whether the research design is descriptive or uses a specific qualitative methodology such as phenomenology; the researcher will need to consider all the data that is generated from data gathering. Most qualitative data are gathered from interviews and the results examined for themes and patterns.
1. Please describe and discuss how themes and patterns emerge from the analysis of data.
2. Use the thematic findings from a credible qualitative nursing research study to demonstrate your description. Please attach the study with your final paper.
3. Provide at least three citations with full references to credible nursing scholarly articles supporting your definitions and discussion.

SECTION B (1.5pages)
Qualitative Data Analysis Tools
Because data analysis in qualitative research is such a tedious and time-consuming process; various electronic software programs have been created to support the swift and detailed analysis of large amounts of narrative data.
1. Please identify a specific qualitative research design and then choose the electronic data analysis software program you would use to examine the data generated from this research.
2. Describe the data analysis program and justify why you would use the particular program for the analysis of data.
3. Provide at least three citations with full references to credible nursing scholarly articles supporting your definitions and discussion.
Resources to consider for this paper.

Introduction to Nursing Research Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice
• Chapter 9: “Qualitative and Mixed Methods”
• Chapter 12: “Data Analysis”
• Chapter 13: “Research Critique Process”

Please retrieve and read the following journal articles
• Jacelon, C., & O’Dell, K. (2005). Demystifying nursing research. Analyzing qualitative data. Urologic Nursing, 25(3), 217–220.

• Jones, M. (2007). Using software to analyze qualitative data. Journal of Qualitative Research, 1(1), 64-76.

• Rothwell, E. (2010). Analyzing focus group data: content and interaction. Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing, 15(2), 176–180.

• Ryan, F., Coughlan, M., & Cronin, P. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 2: qualitative research. British Journal Of Nursing (BJN), 16(12), 738–744.

• Smith, J., & Firth, J. (2011). Qualitative data analysis: the framework approach. Nurse Researcher, 18(2), 52–62.

Google the names of the following qualitative software programs to learn their potential for assisting researchers in their data analysis of qualitative data: QSR, Ethnograph, AnSWR, QUALRUS, MAXQDA


Identifying Themes and Patterns/Qualitative Data Analysis Tools

Section A

The data collection methods that are used in qualitative research results to ideas that can be comprehended better under the thematic analysis control. This encompasses a focus on the identifiable patterns and themes of behavior or way of life. The first step should involve data collection. Audiotapes should also be used. Using the transcribed conversations, experiences’ patterns can be listed. This emerges from paraphrasing common ideas. After this, all the data that is connected to already classified patterns should be identified. The identified patterns are then elaborated on (Tracy, 2013). All ideas related to a specific pattern are identified and put together with corresponding patterns. The related patterns are then combined and catalogued into sub-themes. Themes are then identified through bringing fragments or components of experiences or ideas together, that are normally meaningless if viewed personally. Themes and patterns arising from the stories of the informants are put together to create a detailed picture of the collective experience. As researchers gather sub-themes to gain detailed information view, he can easily see patterns emerging (Tracy, 2013).

When patterns emerge, the best thing the researcher should do is obtaining feedback from informants regarding the patterns. This may be accomplished as the interview is going on or by asking for feedback from the informants from transcribed conversations. Using the former, the researcher utilizes the feedback from the informants to establish the subsequent interview questions (Ryan, Coughlan & Cronin, 2007). Using the latter, the researcher transcribes the session or interview, and asks the participants to offer feedback which is then included in the theme analysis. The researcher then builds valid arguments through choosing the themes. It is necessary for the researcher to refer to the literature again so as to make inferences. This permits formulation of theme statements and development of a story line.

In the qualitative study, ten semi-structured interviews were carried out. All these were audiotaped. Moreover, field notes were taken. The interviews were also transcribed verbatim and recordings were compared with transcriptions so as to promote accuracy and comprehensiveness when identifying themes and patterns. The participants were also given transcript copies for review so as to promote accuracy (Braun & Clarke, 2013). Following review, the participants had a chance to meet with the researchers for clarification of any issues that seemed vital. Interpretations were made regarding why nurses left the nursing practice. The researcher also used hermeneutics that permitted him to probe further into contextual meanings available in the interviews. Research colleagues shared interpretive analysis as a measure of promoting proper interpretation. As analysis was going on, major themes and ideas were identified. Like themes were paired and recorded accordingly, while supporting documentation was coded. Themes were also identified from the transcripts. If a new theme was identified, the previous transcripts underwent rereading to see if this theme had already been identified in the previous interviews. The research team was keen on identifying all possible meanings related to the theme so as to promote a thorough analysis (MacKusick & Minick, 2010).


Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful qualitative research: A practical guide for beginners. London: SAGE

MacKusick, C. I., & Minick, P. (2010). Why Are Nurses Leaving? Findings from an Initial Qualitative Study on Nursing Attrition. MEDSURG Nursing, 19(6), 335- 340.

Ryan, F., Coughlan, M., & Cronin, P. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 2: qualitative research. British Journal Of Nursing (BJN), 16(12), 738–744.

Tracy, S. J. (2013). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Section B

When using qualitative ethnography design, an electronic data analysis software program can be used. Qualitative social research depends on different approaches for organizing, systematizing, and analyzing the qualitative data. Presently, researchers increasingly use computer software for qualitative data analysis. Such software is known as a qualitative data analysis (QDA) software. Among the pioneer software programs, as far as qualitative data analysis is concerned, is MAXQDA (Rothwell, 2010).

MAXQDA is an acknowledged professional software that is commonly used for mixed methods and qualitative data analysis for Mac and Windows. The software has immense features that make data analysis very easy including coding and importing graphic files and PDF; Georeferencing, powerful multimedia features, and synchronization and transcription of text documents. By using this software, I would have an innovative, easy, and powerful ways of using analytical tools. This would greatly make my research projects successful (Smith & Firth, 2011). I can easily import data from spreadsheets, video and audio files, images, web pages, online surveys, focus groups, and interviews into the software. Consequently, the data is sorted into groups, which makes data analysis very easy.

The software offers insight into data sets while no interpretations are being suggested. Relying on content analysis, I can draw conclusions on the respective research objective. The software tool permits easy structuring, sorting, and analysis of huge data amounts. It also facilitates management of resulting evaluations and interpretations (Jones, 2007). Through the use of MAXQDA, this may be achieved through classifying materials into groups via a hierarchical coding system, assigning weights and colors to test segments, and defining variables. MAXQDA also permits different visual tools and easy analysis results’ access. The use of a QDA when dealing with qualitative research is extremely vital in fields such as educational science, medicine, political science, psychology, and sociology. In addition, it is very vital in market and businesses researches. In a nutshell, MAXQDA has been very effective in qualitative research studies (Jacelon & O’Dell, 2005). In fact, it has promoted the use of these kinds of research.


Jacelon, C., & O’Dell, K. (2005). Demystifying nursing research. Analyzing qualitative data. Urologic Nursing, 25(3), 217–220.

Jones, M. (2007). Using software to analyze qualitative data. Journal of Qualitative Research, 1(1), 64-76.

Rothwell, E. (2010). Analyzing focus group data: content and interaction. Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing, 15(2), 176–180.

Smith, J., & Firth, J. (2011). Qualitative data analysis: the framework approach. Nurse Researcher, 18(2), 52–62.

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