Research Manuscript: Data Analysis Paper

Research Manuscript: Data Analysis
Research Manuscript: Data Analysis

Research Manuscript: Data Analysis

Order Instructions:

Research Manuscript: Data Analysis Due

The data analysis section of your research manuscript is due by Day 7. In this section, you will include the results of any statistical procedures used with your data to detail the outcomes of your research. Outline the statistical analyses used, the results, and provide a discussion of the results. Refer back to what you learned in biostatistics about analyzing data and reporting the results. Examine how articles used in your literature review reported the outcomes of their data analysis. These resources can assist you as you work through this section. If you have any questions, contact your Instructor. This section of the manuscript should support your research question—the purpose of your research study.
Submit your data analysis by Day 7 via the Submission link for grading and to receive feedback from the Instructor. Include appropriate tables, graphs, or charts and a write-up of the data analysis procedures and findings.

For this assignment, please describe your data analysis in approximately 3 pages:

•Briefly address the data analysis process.
•Identify and justify the univariate, bivariate and/or multivariate statistical techniques that were used to describe and analyze your quantitative data.
The subject should be childhood obesity. I have to submit it via turnitin and it has to be less than 4% score. (No plagiarism)


Research Manuscript: Data Analysis

The alarming rise in the cases of childhood obesity in many nations in the world has lead to the increased studies associated with this problem. A survey of 5200 grade 5 students was conducted to determine the causes of childhood obesity. In the study, weight and height of the children were measured. Information about their dietary intake and physical and sedentary activities were also collected. The statistical procedures used in the study included the analysis of nutrition programs using multi-level regression levels, which also accounted for other demographic characteristics such as socioeconomic status, gender characteristics, and their residential neighborhoods (Veugelers & Fitzgerald, 2005).

The results of the study showed that the students in schools that participated in a coordinated program that incorporated school-based healthy eating programs exhibited lower rates of obesity and overweight children. The results also showed that students who had healthier diets and practiced more physical activities also exhibited a lower degree of being overweight and obese as compared to students who had no physical activities or nutrition programs.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of school education programs in the reduction and prevention of excess body weight that leads to obesity. The effectiveness of the reduction and prevention of obesity is mainly based on improving the quality of diets and the overall daily physical activity. The survey methods used to select the participants involved the use of purposive sampling that included elementary students who attended public school. The study dubbed the Children’s Lifestyle, and School Performance Study of 2003 included the school principals, parents, and elementary school fifth graders. In the study, more than two hundred and ninety schools were selected that had a fifth grade class. Out of these, only two hundred and eighty accepted to conduct the study, which consisted of filling a survey questionnaire and filling a consent form to parents of these fifth graders.

Of all the consent forms that were distributed, only five thousand five hundred were positive responses, with an average response rate of close to fifty percent. Many reasons resulted in the reduction of this response rate since some students lost their consent forms while some parents were extremely adamant in allowing their children to participate in a mass survey. The questionnaire presented was similar to that of the Harvard youth adolescent food frequency questionnaire, which had additional questions regarding the use of their free time in performing physical and sedentary activities. The data collection activity also involved the measurement of their heights, weights, and collection of their demographic characteristics such as their gender, age, social status, and residential neighborhood information.

Statistical methods used in the study involved multilevel regression methods to examine the effects of school programs in relation to fruit and vegetable consumption, obesity, dietary quality, fat intake, overweight outcomes, and physical and sedentary activities. The school program was considered a second level covariate and a contextual factor. The condition of being overweight, obese, and physical and sedentary activities were treated as first level binary outcomes in the multilevel logistic regression analysis. The data was used to calculate odd ratios with more than ninety-five percent confidence levels.

The results of the survey led to the conclusion that school-based nutritional and physical activity programs provide a basis for the provision of future well-being and health of the children, by enhancing learning and instilling good nutritional and exercise habits in them. This was found to be effective in enhancing their quality of health during growth and reducing chronic illnesses at adulthood


Veugelers, J. P., & Fitzgerald, A. L. (2005, March 3). Journal of Public Health. Retrieved August 1, 2014, from US National Library for Medicine:

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