Reasons for Higher Military Suicide Rates

Reasons for Higher Military Suicide Rates What is it that makes the military have much higher suicide rates than the rest of the population?

Reasons for Higher Military Suicide Rates
Reasons for Higher Military Suicide Rates

It needs 6 sources, but I have already picked those sources all I need is the into, annotations on those sources and the conclusion.


How do technical writing failures contribute to engineering disasters?

Reasons for Higher Military Suicide Rates Exploratory Narrative

We live in a world of such incredible industrial complexity. Whether it be electrical, chemical, or mechanical in nature, these systems have and will fail. As a student in the engineering field, I already knew of that humbling list of failures: pipelines break, machines fail, infrastructure collapses, and lives are lost. Any large project could easily have hundreds or even thousands of pages of documentation. Communications between teams could span tens of thousands of memos. A system of such intricacy could experience a critical failure. There were writing and communication standards set by the largest engineering organizations in the world, but the history that justified these edicts was not there. There was no easy answer to my question.

I began researching recent man-made disasters; most were deeply investigated by the trade and governmental agencies of the world. These reports were impressive works of engineering investigation, but few went into any detail of the technical writing of these events. Most reports placed responsibility on a small group of decision-makers, or a single individual, or cultures of poor training, or values that placed economics above maintenance. I was thoroughly concerned. What if this was not an issue?

I continued through that list of tragedies, turning back the clock to the beginnings of our industrial world before the standards of these professional fields were developed. In this era a lone individual was often the only engineer, construction standards were lax, and the delay of postal letters often meant decisions by non-professionals short on time. The failures were the disturbingly plentiful birth pangs of an industrial society rife with bridge collapses, dam breaks, and factory fires. However, the absence of these disasters from a modern world would easily discredit the relevance of my research.

The most applicable audience to this question would be engineering students like myself. I needed to show that this is an important question with crucial answers in this electronic age.

I finally started to find the missteps in the modern world, the General Motors ignition scandal.

The recall first came to public light in 2014 and continues to this day. A simple design fault in a common ignition module could fail leaving the vehicle uncontrollable and the airbags deactivated.

Over 120 people are believed to have been directly killed with hundreds more injured. A fault discovered in the company years earlier, but quietly hidden with forged drafts that masked the minute changes in the part assembly line after tens of millions of vehicles had already been sold with no alert and no recall. Beyond the politics and ethics of the issue, there was a fatal drop in drafting standards….

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