Research Methods for International Businesses

Research Methods for International Business Order Instructions: Subject: Research Methods for International Business.

Research Methods for International Business

Chosen business: Leisure Spa.

Background: It is a group essay, I need to do only my parts. As part of the growth strategy at the University, there are plans to increase the number of businesses operating on campus. The university’s objective is to ‘Internationalise Business Services on Campus’.(We have chosen a Leisure Spa.) Because of the increase of international students who now study and live on campus, there is a need for a diverse range of products and services to be provided. But, what could they be and why?

My Parts are:
Literature Review – Provides the background of literature influencing your research. Conclude with how the review has informed your research (e.g. things you will be building on, gaps you will be filling etc.).
Discussion- Discuss your findings/{results} and relate it to the literature discussed in the literature review. {results-a part of other student}.

**My parts means that I don’t need to do any other part, roof example, I don’t need introduction, conclusion, methodology etc.. Only Literature Review AND Discussion.

I will send you our questionnaire results tomorrow. They might be needed.

+my group mate found some information which I will apply in comments.

At least 6 number of sources. maybe more.

Use follow criteria when writing an essay.
Credit will be given for:
? The rational/background/literature for the project
? The quality of the questions and presentation and formatting of the questionnaire
? The discussion

Research Methods for International Business Sample Answer

Leisure Spa

Literature Review

According to (Burt, 2012), the element of meditation is considered an effective approach aimed at helping individuals in the reduction of stress, depression and the alleviation of anxiety (pp.18). This, therefore, determines the rationale behind the inclusion of leisure activities that are directed towards the reduction of stress levels among students, a factor that has been noted to improve their moods thus contributing to the well-being of individuals including their health.

Considering the similarities and differences that result during meditation and leisure activities engagement among students determines the fact that the outcomes of meditation and leisure may lead to an improved state of mind and quality of a student’s learning process and period (Herman, & Tătar, 2015.pp.117). This, therefore, determines the rationale behind the development of a leisure spa within the institution. The primary aim of this project is the reduction of stress levels that result from workloads experienced by the students and restoring their emotional balance and quality of life.

According to foreign scholars, Leisure spas are essential in offering international massages, spa therapies and body rituals that are considered to be rejuvenating treatments methods to stress and depression. Through the usage of warm herbal herbs and other oils during the process of treatment, the body of an individual is bound to feel relaxed over to distress (Herman, & Tătar, 2015, pp.118). Our plan to develop a Leisure Spa, therefore, remains an oasis of the outside world that will allow the students to gain tranquility and silence, comfort and beauty during their learning period at considerable changes that will be manageable for the students.

In consideration of the psychological health changes and mental issues that are increasing among the campus students, it was determined that close to 34% of the students have an impaired concentration, 40% with memory disturbances, and 65% of the rest of the population depicting sleepless nights as a result of depression (Jones, 2016, pp.24). Sleep disorders and depression as a result of the heavy workloads were considered major challenges to the international students. The development of a Leisure Spa remains an essential business approach that would meet the needs of these students. The students will be in a position to access that facility during particular periods. The students will be required to register and pay the required amounts in advance to access the facility.

It is essential to note the development of a Leisure Spa within our institution of learning remains one of the keep projects within the institution aimed at enhancing the process of education among the campus students, especially those from different international countries. The development of the Leisure Spa is considered in accordance with the local characters that will require the element of high quality and innovation in its contraction (McClelland, & Giles, 2016, pp.47). In this case, the Leisure Spa will be effective in enhancing international business services within the campus.


It is important to note that the literature review depicts several gaps, the stress levels among the students as depicted in Table 1:1.

Table 1:1Psychologcal Health Challenges of the Students

It is therefore essential to note that the differences in the psychological health challenges experienced by these students provide a business opportunity to develop a Leisure Spa that will ensure the students get an opportunity to relax and relieve their stress levels (Miller, & Washington, 2010,pp.319 ). The institution will ensure that the students are provided with access to the facility during their learning period in order to enhance their mental state of wellbeing.

This literature review, therefore, informed our research since it has enabled us to understand the population of students in need of these services in order to develop an effective business strategy that meets their needs and achieves the business objective of the institution (Miller, & Washington, 2010, pp.320). This project will, therefore, consider the student’s needs and ensure appropriate rejuvenating and reflexive treatment methods are developed in order to meet the needs of the international students.

Through this literature review, appropriate measures in developing, the similarities and differences that result during meditation and leisure activities engagement among students determine the fact that the outcomes of meditation and leisure may lead to an improved state of mind and quality of students learning process and period (Vázquez-Illa Navarro, 2014,pp.52). The development of this Leisure Spa will, therefore, employ the customer-focused theory to meet the student’s needs.

Products and services that meet the needs of students will be developed to ensure that the services provided to these students in copying up with their educational needs. It is essential to note the development of a Leisure Spa within our institution of learning remains one of the keep projects within the institution aimed at enhancing the process of education among the campus students, especially those from different international countries (Weiss, 2011.pp.382).  According to foreign scholars, Leisure spas are essential in offering international massages, spa therapies and body rituals that are considered to be rejuvenating treatments methods to stress and depression. The development of the Leisure Spa is considered in accordance with the local characters that will require the element of high quality and innovation in its contraction. The Leisure Spa will be effective in enhancing international business services within the campus.

Research Methods for International Business References

Burt, B 2012, ‘Red Carpet Treatment at Spa Luce’, Spa Management, 19, 5, pp. 16-20, Hospitality & Tourism Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed Available From (2 May 2016)

Herman, G. V., & Tătar, C. 2015. Trends and Prospects in the Evolution and Dynamics of the Felix – 1 Mai Spas Tourist System. Annals Of The University Of Oradea, Geography Series / Analele Universitatii Din Oradea, Seria Geografie, 25(1), 116-126. Available From: (2 May 2016)

Jones, N. 2016. THE WATER CURE. Britain, 84(2), 24-30. Available From: (2 May 2016)

McClelland, C., & Giles, A. R. 2016. Health matters: the social impacts of street-involved youth’s participation in a structured leisure programme. Leisure Studies, 35(1), 46-63. doi:10.1080/02614367.2014.994549. Available From: (2 May 2016)

Miller, R. K., & Washington, K. 2010. Chapter 58: SPAS. In, Leisure Market Research Handbook (pp. 318-322). Richard K. Miller & Associates. Available From: (2 May 2016)

Vázquez-Illa Navarro, J. 2014. UNFOLDING THE SPA INDUSTRY: SPA BUSINESS MODELS TROUGH THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE. Enlightening Tourism, 4(1), 52-78.Available From: (2 May 2016)

Weiss, Z. 2011. Leisure, Pleasure, and Healing: Spa Culture and Medicine in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. Journal For The Study Of Judaism: In The Persian Hellenistic & Roman Period, 40(3), 382-384. doi:10.1163/157006309X443602. Available From: (2 May 2016)

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