Role of NP Research Assignment Paper

Role of NP
Role of NP

Role of NP

Order Instructions:

The role of the NP is a challenging, complex, dynamic and rewarding role! Reflect on the level of insight you feel you have gained in the course. Do you have a better understanding of the role of the NP? How has this course impacted your perspective on the role of the NP?


Role of NP

Nursing practitioners have a critical role in providing extensive primary and specialty health care. NP job is challenging as every practitioner must remain abreast in nursing technologies advancements. They are also being encouraged to get acquainted in billing and coding systems. Through the program, I was privileged to care for patients and it is gratifying. The program have  positively changed my perception of nursing health care by reinforcing the vital role nurses play  when providing health care services. Through interaction with the nurses, I observed care and hard work the nurses undergo on daily basis to make the world a better place. For instance, they have to consult and work with other health care practitioners in order to attain their objectives. They have to document their report completely and with the highest order of clarity on every encounter with the patients (Ridenour, 2009).

Additionally, registered nurses offer public health care to populations from diverse cultures; each with unique cultural and religious spirituality.  It is nurse’s responsibility to understand patient cultural background   because they impact significantly on the patients’ health and illness. Nursing profession is a caring profession. Nurses must reflect on cultural values of the society especially in this era of globalization and massive international movement (HRSA, 2012).   To become a Nursing practitioner, one has to be a registered nurse who is certified by the board and their scope of practice is expanded within specialty. Good health care practices entail the provision of quality care through changing risky behavior that hallmarks various misunderstandings. These misunderstandings are obstacles in responding to the growing quality health care demands. More so, they are expected to be healthy living models, but putting into consideration of the nature of their work, this expectation is quite demanding (CNO, 2012).


CNO. (2011) ‘Nurse practitioner.’ Retrieved on January 22nd, 2015 from []

HRSA. (2012)’Highlights from the 2012 national sample survey of nurse practitioner.’ Retrieved on January 22nd, 2015 from []

Ridenour, J. (2009) ‘Nurse practitioner description of roles and functions.’ Retrieved on January 22nd, 2015 from[]

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