Seven Major Problems Facing the Marketing Industry The following article discusses SEVEN major problems facing the marketing industry:
Select any TWO of the listed problems and then choose TWO brands/companies. Analyze and describe how you believe the brands/companies have solved for these challenges.
EXAMPLE: I may select challenge #2 and look at Uber, then I may select challenge #1 and look at Dollar Shave Club (these are just examples, please select your own brands/companies to link to any of the 7 challenges).
Explain HOW you think the brand/company has chosen to deal with this issue in their marketing strategy. Outline SPECIFIC ways that the issue was solved successfully, or that it won’t be a problem that the brand/company will face because of its strategic makeup. What in the business plan/structure do you think prepared the company to be able to survive/thrive in spite of this problem?
If resolution to the issue has yet to be proven successful, list rationale for projected success base on their strategy.