Situational Leadership Training Program

Situational Leadership Training Program Your are to research the topic and prepare a 5 page report on the program.

Situational Leadership Training Program
Situational Leadership Training Program

The usual requirements apply (12 font, Calibri, cover page with name, stapled, etc). However, as an exception you will be allowed to include drop ins, cut and pasted illustrations, charts or graphs. However, the actual work you produce must be 4 full typed pages, not including, the reference page and cover page.
Keep in mind you will lose pints if your citations are not listed in BOTH the work itself and the reference page. Also, avoid giving your opinions and personal feelings. In a scholarly work, an opinion is expected to be cited as the opinion has to have been formed on information you heard or read.
In your paper structure it around the history, authors, use in organizations, how SL works and a short conclusion of your opinion of SL.
Situational Leadership is a widely accepted and used Leadership training program. You should have no trouble finding dozens of relevant sites and articles on the program.

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