Social Inclusion in Empowerment and Health

Social Inclusion in Empowerment and Health 2000 words to explore how social issues have implications for health and social care, provide an overview of the ways in which social-economic factors (age,
security, poverty, occupation, gender,sexuality) influence health and well being.

Social Inclusion in Empowerment and Health
Social Inclusion in Empowerment and Health

2,Show consideration of the impact of poverty and social inequality. 3, Make
reference to specific groups consider hoe ideas of social justice and anti-oppressive practice might work for the benefit of marginalised people (old people,
disable people)4, Demonstrate understanding of relevant sociology theory throughout (feminism, gender). It is a significant public health concern that epilepsy, the fourth most common neurological disorder in the United States, is generally poorly understood by both the public and those living with the condition.

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