Stem Cell Science as a Future Therapy for Diabetes

Stem Cell Science as a Future Therapy for Diabetes Order Instructions:

Stem Cell Science as a Future Therapy for Diabetes
Stem Cell Science as a Future Therapy for Diabetes

Write a summary page in your own words about an attached article. A science research paper about an attached article. A science research paper about Stem cell science as a future therapy for diabetes.

Stem Cell Science as a Future Therapy for Diabetes Sample Answer

An orientation towards the future is implied when studying stem cell science and as a future to therapy of diabetes too. There are two major discourses discernible;  the institutions which create certain influence and the stem cell and its effect on therapies, genetic modification, and animal studies. Stem cells have a common thing that is self-renewal and cell differentiation. The differentiated cells always have to remain as they are during movement from the body into the cell culture dish in the laboratory or to a newer environment and function too as before.

However, this is not usually the case since the working has to be in accordance or chime with the way it did in the body so as to prove the relevance or the ability to go all the way to an islet cell maintaining it too as is the case when dealing with diabetic patients. (Atala & Lanza, 2013, pg 2) Stem cells are viewed as plastic, meaning they are able to change into other cells.

The probability of them being triggered and changing into other cell types is usually high. The genes are the ones most affected and one should, therefore, be able to identify whether the genes are functioning or not and if so, not only functioning but like beta cells when applied. (Atala & Lanza, 2013, pg 3)

Bench to bedside workings such as translational research, therefore, is seen as a solution to certain problems and a difficulty when dealing with research problems.

An important fact of the stem cells is their ability to change into many cells. Such an example is the tumor cells and therefore, proving wrong their possibility to function when dealing with a diabetic patient at large as well as poor understanding of the stem cells by many scientists and therefore not being able to come up with probable solutions to the many problems that come with it.

Stem Cell Science as a Future Therapy for Diabetes Reference

Atala, A., & Lanza, R. P. (2013). Handbook of stem cells. London: Academic/Elsevier

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