Stride Toward Freedom and Multidimensionality

Stride Toward Freedom and Multidimensionality Here are the 8 themes you have to write.
1. God Acting in History-> God acts by the old testament Laws and speaking with the prophets.

Stride Toward Freedom and Multidimensionality
Stride Toward Freedom and Multidimensionality

Wherever the Christian gospel has been proclaimed there has been the assertion that God acts in history. (I think you wrote this right)

Stride Toward Freedom and Multidimensionality

2. Multidimentsionality-> Human have many diverse characteristics like religious, physical, social, and so on. though those, we can experience
salve/healing/wholeness. Multidimensionality is required to experience the holiness.
3. An individual in community-> Individuals has specific rolls in the community. In the community, individuals take help and give help each other. Individual-self can mature itself, but it’s in the community. We need to find a balance between individual and community.
4. Covenant structure(missing)-> It is given by God that we have to keep. The first fives are about Yahweh worship, and the last fives are about social
ethics, not personal ethic. Each five are related deeply. Covenant structures are not based on the personal, but based on co-operating, people, social, and group.
5. Justice as active-> Actually, there are many definition or theme for this one, but I would say justice is to defense weak from the strong.
6. Eschatology and Ethics-> Since we do not know when God is coming to earth, we should be always prepared as the kingdom is present. (I think you wrote this right)
7. Faith that works(missing)-> Faith without deed=dead. We sould work hard for faith. ask for wisdom, resists temptation, control one’s tongue, love each other are the examples. (I think you should combine this with Kingdom and covenant)

Stride Toward Freedom and Multidimensionality

8. Babylonian structures-> Babylonian Beasts(or structure) would be the structures that are trying to interfere the remmants. The remnants are God’s last
people. Since the contemporary world keeps changing, we should keep looking for the new Babylonian Beasts. (I think in Martin Luthur’s book, things that torment the black people would be the Babylonian Beasts).
The previous writer wrote in Seventh-day Adventist view since I told him to do so, but actually, you don’t have to. So, please fix it also.

Stride Toward Freedom and Multidimensionality

And do not forget you have to write 2 pages of introduction and 2pages of summary/response/conclustion(double spaced). And the body format must be exactly
same as the additional file(single spaced)(most of the information is in the file).
I will also upload the previous writer’s paper.
I will really appreciate if you can follow the information that I gave to you since I don’t want to fail this again.

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