Systems of Measurement Units Assignment

Systems of Measurement Units Assignment This assignment is to get familiar or refresh your knowledge about systems of measurement units. Reading, watching the video then answering assignment questions.

Systems of Measurement Units Assignment
Systems of Measurement Units Assignment

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Total 3 pts.

Systems of Measurement Units Assignment Instructions

1 Reading the definitions of units at can you guess which one is determined by a particular physical object? Explain reasoning for your guess.

(In case the site is unavailable please use: and read about metric and standard systems)

2 Then watch find which unit out the seven base units is in fact determined by a single object in the universe? Did you make a good guess?

3 Discuss why in the video for the round object they picked a sphere and not some other shape, any practical reasons?

4 Watch and then https://www. .Give examples from the videos for practical reasons to have an accurate measure of time over the centuries.

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