Taking and Writing an Exam Essay as a Writer The following five (5) questions are final exam questions. Only one of these will appear on your final exam.
You are to write an in-depth essay on the one
question that appears on the exam. In-depth essay means no less than five (5) fully developed (between three (3) and twelve (12) sentences in length)
paragraphs in length. You are to demonstrate your ability to write a thesis, topic sentences, supporting sentences, example sentences, and concluding
sentences. Your grade will depend on your structure, your content, as well as grammar, punctuation, mechanics, diction, word choice, and spelling. You are
permitted 75 minutes to complete this exam. You are also permitted to use whatever resources you choose, but if you use resources, you must also incorporate
in-text citation and a works cited page, which will then be considered in the final grade.
Question. Describe the process in great detail in taking and writing an essay exam.