Tax Return Preparation Case Study

Tax Return Preparation Case Study Using a tax preparation software – preferably the Profile software that is provided free of charge by Intuit Canada to students of this course – and the facts given below, complete the tax return (T1) for Mr. James Doode and his common-law partner, Susan Bond, for the 2018 taxation year, including all relevant schedules, forms and worksheets, e.g. Form T2125 for the calculation of business income, T776 for the rental income, etc. Ignore any GST or HST aspects.

Tax Return Preparation Case Study
Tax Return Preparation Case Study

You must submit the completed tax returns for both James and Susan through the Case Study link on the Blackboard portal by attaching the file containing the data for both tax returns coupled together if you used the Profile tax software (the file should have a .18T extension if you are using the 2018 version of the software). Do not attach the program file for the Profile software (file called “profile.exe”) as that file does not contain the data for the tax returns you prepared. No marks will be given for submitting the Profile program.

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