The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin Order Instructions: Book Review over “The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin” by Gordon S. Wood Do not use slang, colloquialisms, first or second person, and keep passive voice to a minimum.

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin
The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin

You must use parenthetical citations each time you refer to the book or use a direct quote.

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin Paper Organization

Thesis: Identify the thesis or theses of the book. NOTE: The thesis refers to the author’s argument, and generally goes beyond the topic or subject matter. What point is the author trying to make? Demonstrate that you understand the author’s purpose in writing the book.

Synopsis: Respond to all synopsis questions. The purpose of this is to present a brief overview of the book. Discuss the methods, sources, strengths, and weaknesses of the book. Did the author propose new approaches, use any major new documents, propose new interpretations, challenge existing interpretations, rehash old information in new ways? In your synopsis section, please do not jump from topic to topic, but have smooth transitions between paragraphs. For more information on how to do this, visit this site.

Evaluation: Did the author accomplish what he/she set out to do? Was the thesis adequately supported? Was the evidence powerful enough? Of what value or use is the book? Did you enjoy or like the book? Give your judgment of the book: interesting, boring, provocative, significant, or whatever, and explain how or why you came to that conclusion. If you did not like the book, say so, and support your opinion with solid evidence.

In the SYNOPSIS portion of your book review be sure to specifically address the following points and questions.

1. Describe the factors that made Franklin “the man of many masks.”

2. What role did the class divisions that existed in the English-speaking world have on Franklin’s development?

3. Describe how Franklin managed to rise from a lowly station into the ranks of gentlemen.

4. How did Franklin’s exposure to London during the 1750s shape his outlook?

5. What factors made Franklin “a thoroughgoing imperialist and royalist” by the early 1760s?

6. Describe how, by the late 1760s, Franklin had become too English in America and too American in England.

7. How did Franklin’s treatment by English officials in the early 1770s turn him into an ardent patriot?

8. How did Franklin, to the French, come “to symbolize America as no single person in history ever has”?

9. How did Franklin become “indispensable to the success of the Revolution abroad”?

10. Why was Franklin so unappreciated by so many of his contemporaries of the revolutionary era?

11. How did Franklin, after his death, become the ideal for both workingmen and businessmen, especially in the northern states? How did this reflect changes in (northern) culture?

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin Sample Answer


The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin


Gordon Wood the author of the book The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin seeks to bring the real and holistic character of Benjamin Franklin. Gordon points out that numerous books written regarding the important role Benjamin Franklin played in the independence of the United States. Whoever he paints a different negative image of Benjamin Franklin. In the biography, Franklin is depicted as an individual who does not in any way behave like an American. In fact, he spends more time living in France and England. Additionally, he is seen as a staunch supporter of imperialism favoring colonization of United States by other parties. In the book, Franklin is depicted as an individual who never shared American values deeply rooted in their patriotic nature and love of their country (Wood 14). Instead, he is portrayed as an individual interested in making personal gains rather than decolonizing the United States. Gordon goes further to illustrate how it was only after he fell out with the English that coming home became a priority. During his stay in England and France, Franklin preferred to make progress and improve social status. He was never interested in any issue relating him to the United States. Gordon Wood dissects and exposes the negative side of Benjamin Franklin in a much better way than what a surgeon would do. The main emphasis placed by Gordon is to show the real negative picture of Benjamin Franklin before americanization process took over. Gordon Brown conquers with one important role played by Benjamin Franklin where he convinced the French to assist in liberating of United States from the hands of the British colony.


Benjamin Franklin is described as a quintessential man and a jack of all trades. He is described as an inventor, scientist, diplomat, satirist, businessman, printer and politician. Most attributes typical of Benjamin were learned in France and England. He started out as a simple individual in society and solely rose in the English and French society to become one of the senior most members of society.

The England social class gave Franklin the imperialist view of everything. It made him believe in some questionable behaviors. Some included the lack of belief in God and mistreatment of women. Gordon notes that Benjamin Franklin looked down upon his wife since she had been scarcely educated (Wood 21). These were some of the current beliefs of British society. It was always about maintaining class. It gave Franklin the urge to become wealthier in the society since wealth was associated with the class. For Franklin to fit into the British system several sacrifices had to be made. He had to engage in different money generating practices from a small age.

Since he was the son of a candle maker, fitting in the English society was difficult. Therefore, he sought to work hard to create or establish different businesses. The printing business started did quite well from the beginning assisting him to make a name for himself. Similarly, he invented several important facets. They included the lightning rod, Franklin glasses, a stove, the glass harmonica, and a flexible urinary catheter (Wood 27). All these products established brand associated with Benjamin Franklin. This gave him more fame in society raising his social class very first.

After a short period of time, Franklin was involved in making speeches at a social gathering and formulated a group known as Philadelphia’s American Philosophical Society (Wood 78). The increase in fame came with a higher class status (Wood 45).

A trip to London where he had been assigned new roles became the major point of focus. Franklin had been promoted to a bigger office which had better facilities compared to the other surroundings. Additionally, he had been recognized as a critical part of the English system. He expressed his great desire and love for England and at even one point considered it to be his home.

He had once been considered too much of an Englishman than American. This was because most practices he had inherited and practiced came from the English culture. He had become part and parcel of the imperialist practices that were dominantly practiced in England. Additionally, he was a firm believer of classes in society.

However, he showed most behaviors associated with people from the United States. He made numerous inventions made to suit society. Such behaviors were normally associated with people from the United States. In 1770, the British wanted him to become part and parcel of the patriot force (Wood 48). This was during a period in which there had been intense wars between people in the United States and Britain.

When he rejected the offer, there was profound negativity associated with calling of names (Wood 54). Some prominent ministers were publicly noted stating that Benjamin was an enemy. This is what led him to move to the United States (Wood 57). The way he was received in the United States proved to be a major difference. After noting the suffering of the people in the society and the effects of colonization, he became one of the patriots fighting for the rights of Americans.

Once a patriot, he used all available means to fight the British. Most notably Franklin chose to engage the French. He had lived in France during his early years and consequently knew that the French suffered from old wounds inflicted by the British which ultimately resulted in losing lands in Canada and near Mississippi. Therefore, this was an opportune moment where the French could come in and help the French revenge their loss of land. He decided to write a letter to the French asking them for assistance in case the United States was attacked by the British (Wood 68).

The ultimate effect was more on the French who assisted to defeat the British and thus regaining their position on the society. This act endeared him within and beyond the United States (Wood 72). In fact, the French honor him with much more respect as compared to the Americans. Three days are used to remember the man who helped restore the French dignity in society.

However, there exists a negative feeling among many American who feels that he has dominated history yet initially he was a staunch believer and follower of British imperialist tendencies.  Most of his behaviors especially the imperialist tendencies and inventions are still associated with people from the North. This shows the effect Franklin ha on their lives.

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin Evaluation

The author accomplished all the targets that were initially set forth at the beginning of the book. The author managed to bring out all information relating to the specific years that the events. All events were recorded chronologically and used all pieces of supporting evidence. The book is enjoyable and significant since it brings out issues that are rarely addressed. It helped bring out a different image of an iconic person whose life had initially been told from one perspective.

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin Work cited

Wood, Gordon S. The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin. Penguin, 2005. Print.

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