The aspect of Performing Arab American Arabness

The aspect of Performing Arab American Arabness You will engage with an aspect of Arab American Arabness.

The aspect of Performing Arab American Arabness
The aspect of Performing Arab American Arabness

Focusing on the course theme of “Performing Arabness,” you will choose a topic and a “product.” Your choice of topics is Media (film and TV); Literature and Art; Music; Activism; and religion. You can also intersect more than one topic. Once you have chosen your topic, you will select a product or production within that topic.

The aspect of Performing Arab American Arabness Literature

For example, if you choose Literature, you could select a specific author (such as Kahlil Gibran) or maybe an art form, like poetry. You should summarize the key terms and concepts of the topic you choose. In addition, the essay should say something original about the product, and not necessarily be a review. You should attempt to answer the questions: How does the author or artist represent Arabness through their work? What aspects of Arab American identity are at work in the product, such as transnational identity, diasporic feminism, etc. Who is the main audience for this product?

The aspect of Performing Arab American Arabness Grading Rubric

Argument and focus (30 pts)

Does the paper have a clear argument or main point as well as a stated focus, which is maintained throughout the essay?

Analysis and evidence (30 pts)

Is the argument supported by strong evidence (course materials, outside sources, personal experience, etc.)? Is the argument ultimately successful?

Understanding of course concepts (20 pts)

The aspect of Performing Arab American Arabness

Does the author demonstrate knowledge of the course materials and concepts, including correct use of key terms and utilization of appropriate authors or other materials?

Grammar, diction, mechanics, and format (20 pts)

Does the author make few errors in grammar and did they take time to revise and proofread? Are diction, sentence style, and paragraph structure clear? Does the essay adhere to formatting and content guidelines, and are all outside sources cited properly?

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