The Cult Film Kids by Larry Clark from 1995

The Cult Film Kids by Larry Clark from 1995 Analyze the cult film “Kids” by Larry Clark from 1995 in regards to its subcultural impact in New York underground skate and hip hop scene and why it is still a culturally significant film today.

The Cult Film Kids by Larry Clark from 1995
The Cult Film Kids by Larry Clark from 1995

It addresses the recklessness of urban youth and the AIDS epidemic in New York City. In addition, discuss its influence on youth culture and its impact on future filmmakers.
Add relevant background information about the making of the film.
The essay needs to include a stated thesis, bibliographic research, a sense of the theoretical background, and close analysis of the texts
Hunter, I.Q. Cult Film As A Guide To Life: Fandom, Adaptation, and Identity New York: Bloomsbury. 2016.
Mathijs, Ernest and Xavier Mendik, eds. The Cult Film Reader. Manchester, UK: Open University Press, 2008.
Mathijs, Ernest and Jamie Sexton. Cult Cinema. Malden, MA: Wiley- Blackwell, 2011.
Telotte, J.P. ed. The Cult Film Experience: Beyond All Reason Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993.
in relation to the film.

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