The Effectiveness of Thoracic Manipulation Write two commentaries about article ‘ The effectiveness of thoracic manipulation on patients with chronic mechanical neck pain – a randomized controlled trial” essay
Writing 2 commentaries based on the main article:? Lau, H. M. C., Wing Chiu, T. T., & Lam, T.-H. (2011). The effectiveness of thoracic manipulation on patients with chronic mechanical neck pain – a randomized controlled trial. Manual therapy, 16(2), 141?7? (see attachment)
Commentary 1 (2.5 pages)
Discuss study outcomes. According to the COSORT guidelines(included in the attachment), is the conclusion of this study valid? Do these outcomes agree with or refute other studies
Commentary 2 (1.5 pages)
Read the following papers and comment in the context of the study. The ?correct? answer is not the goal here, as your opinion must be informed by the evidence you cite.
The Effectiveness of Thoracic Manipulation Sources of Reference
You are encouraged to use these and other references in your argument.
Croft, P., Malmivaara, A., & van Tulder, M. (2011). The pros and cons of evidence-based medicine. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 36(17), E1121?5. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e318223ae4c
Milanese, S. (2011). The use of RCT?s in manual therapy–are we trying to fit a round peg into a square hole? Man Ther, 16(4), 403?405. doi:10.1016/j.math.2011.02.007 (those articles are included as well) Commentary 1 (2.5 pages)
Discuss study outcomes. The Effectiveness of Thoracic Manipulation According to the COSORT guidelines(included in the attachment), is the conclusion of this study valid? Do these outcomes agree with or refute other studies
Commentary 2 (1.5 pages)’
The patients with chronic mechanical neck pain – a randomized controlled trial
Read the following papers and comment in the context of the study. The ?correct? answer is not the goal here, as your opinion must be informed by the evidence you cite. The Effectiveness of Thoracic Manipulation