The External Marketing Environment Test

The External Marketing Environment Test Analyse the external marketing environment and consumer buyer behavior for a product of your choice by answering the following questions.

The External Marketing Environment Test
The External Marketing Environment Test

You are expected to draw on business sources from the library to support your answers.
A. The external marketing environment (1000 words)
Choose two environments within the external environment to analyse – demographic, socio-cultural, economic, technological, natural, competitive and political and legal (500 words per environment)
1. Provide a definition of each chosen environment and justify in relation to your product (4 marks)
2. Explain how each chosen environment impacts your product, using evidence from your research (business sources) to justify (20 marks)
3. Discuss the opportunities presented for your chosen product in each environment The External Marketing Environment Test (8 marks)
4. Discuss the threats presented for your chosen product in each environment (8 marks)

The External Marketing Environment Test Consumer buyer Behaviour (1500 words)

1. What type of buying decision is used for your product? Justify your answer by considering the level of involvement and other factors influencing this (10 marks)
2. How might need recognition be triggered for your product? Explain how one factor influences this stage (10 marks)
3. How could information search be undertaken for your product? The External Marketing Environment Test Explain how one factor influences this stage (10 marks)
4. Provide an example of a typical evoked set for your product and describe how alternatives could be evaluated for your product. Explain how one factor influences this stage (10 marks)
5. How might the decision to purchase be made for your product? Explain how one factor influences this stage (10 marks)
6. How might a consumer undertake post-purchase evaluation for your product? Explain how one factor influences this stage (10 marks)
please let me know when u choose the a product " iPhone or anything u choice; before u start the writing
and pleases don’t write like essay i need to answer it also please can u use this web to search The External Marketing Environment Test
1- Business Source Complete
2- Factiva
3- Marketline Advantage

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